Page 34 - The Heroic Rescue of the Crew of the Kismet II
ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
cliffs or in small boats. This last resort was believed here to be almost impossible during the present weather conditions. "It is hoped that the breeches buoy equip? ment can be rigged from the clifftop to the shore so the crew can be...plucked from the ship in the basket-like chair that travels along the rope from shore to shore.... Ex? perts who will manage the breeches equip? ment...were flown by RCAF from Halifax last night to Sydney but the plane could go no further due to the weather." Off shore, the tanker Gulf port ha6 been standing by but the weather forced her to leave. From a Navy article: "The breeches buoys, lines and other rescue equipment was transferred to a truck.... Headed by a snow plow, the convoy started over the Cabot Trail. They were stopped short of their goal by narrow mountain roads, covered with ice, and small, unsafe bridges. The journey had to be completed on foot...." Meanwhile, the crew of the Kismet //were cold, wet, their food ruined • into their second day trapped on the rocks at the foot of the cliff. Helicopter pilot Roger Fink later remembered: "Al? though of Iggy sumyt the situation. IWBrufnolet /'warm welcome awaits you < t'yl/Cape Breton's most popular gift shop, located in the centre of downtown Sydney. 'eaturin' arv eatensioe' selection (' ' Maritime & Canadian Handcrafts <' Quality Souvenirs & T-Shirts # Folk Art & Country Gifts <' Seagull Pewter ' Scented Candles & Potpourri ' Imported Gifts & Collectibles ' Kitchen & Home Decor Accessories ' Year Round Christmas Shoppe Open Daily 9am-5pm Thurs & Fri 9am-9pm Liberian registry the crew were all Greek sea? men. The First Mate could speak Eng? lish and told us that the pounding waves ground the hull con? tinuously onto the rocks. His primary concern had been to pre? vent the men at? tempting to swim "Iggy surveys the situation." A page from a colouring book called "The Shearwater Angel," created by Terry-Lee Bourgeois for the Shearwater Aviation Museum. ashore after they had lost the one usable lifeboat.... "Due to a cliff overhang it was not possi? ble to get into a position above the masts, booms and other top hamper so a hoist rescue was ruled out." An unsuccessful attempt was made to reach the Ship by helicopter that first day. From Navy Report: "Lt. Cdr. Beeman was not long in learning that the gale, blowing parallel to the cliff, had created terrific air turbu? lence. As it flew shoreward, the helicop? ter suddenly dropped about 500 feet, al? most to the waves, and just as suddenly was tossed aloft again. Any effort to ap? proach the ship could only result in the machine being smashed against the cliff face or thrown into the sea. The helicopter returned to Sydney. Next morning, rested, they returned to the/C/smef. "The wind was STOP AT DING'S fresh baked goods * souvenirs magazines * film * charcoal gifts * novels * camp fuel * ice Ingonish kL One Stop Store & Deli STAY AT DINO'S Trailer Park Laundromat close to the National Park Ingonish 34
Cape Breton's Magazine