Page 36 - The Heroic Rescue of the Crew of the Kismet II
ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
to get aboard,' Lt. Cdr. Beeman said afterward. 'They were in like jack- rabbits . ' "That was trip No. 1, and Lt. Cdr. Fink and PO Vipond were left behind at Bay St. Lawrence to make more room on the next attenpt. This time they signaled for six sailors to get aboard, but when they were airborne, the helicopter seemed unusually sluggish and a count of heads showed that a seventh had scrambled in. Lt. Cdr. Fink and AB Smith made the third trip, bringing back six of the Kismet crew. Lt. Cdr. Fink also pilot? ed the fourth and final trip, with PO Vi? pond accompanying him. "This brought off the remaining four men, the captain's dog and, it was discovered on land, the ship's cat as well.... "'During the 30 hours on the rocks,' (said Captain Anast Maniatis, of Athens, Greece), 'I felt we were in danger at all times. I am most thankful the pilot was able to come in this morning because I knew that if the wind shifted again rescue would be impossible.' A short time later the wind did shift and that night a fierce storm laid more inches of snow on the ground." 20 years later: the remains of the Kismet lion the rocks where she grounded. Photos: David Rasmussen. tion, ran out of fuel and emergency tanks had to be rushed to it at North River Bridge at St. Ann's Bay. After refueling further at Sydney, it started on its home? ward trek...." Regarding the future of the helicopter (H04S-3, Serno 55877) used in the rescue: It was known after the rescue as the George Medal aircraft. In the 1970s it was to be handed over to the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation and buyers were on site, preparing to make their bid. A Milton Droeske learned of this, knew the history, and moved to have the aircraft remain in the Department of National Defense inventory. He contacted Bob Bradford, then curator of the Aviation Museum • and the heli? copter was saved. It is presently being restored, and will be dis? played at the Shearwater Aviation Museum next year. Our thanks to Mr. Charles Coffen, hicility manager, Shearwater Aviation Museum, for his prompt response to our request for information and photos. Also, thanks to Donald Nugent, our UCCB Co-op Education student, for his research and photo? graphic work. Mr. Steve Harris, Department of National Defense historian, supplied information as well. The photos of the crew of the helicopter and the Kismet II are from the Abbass Collec? tion, Beaton Institute, University College of Cape Breton. Roger Fink: "Jack Beeman and I received the George Medal while Lawrence Vipond and Paul Smith were each awarded the Queen's Commendation for this combined effort. In addition to the 21 men, one dog and a cat, the last sailor to board the helicopter brought off a coal scuttle filled with bottles of Four Star Hennessey Cognac and we each got a 26 of that!" Halifax Herald: "On its return journey to Shearwater the Sikorsky helicopter which accomplished the rescue opera- VISIT. . . Musee de L'Aviation SHEARWATER Aviation Museum Devoted to the Preservation of Our Maritime Military Aviation History OPEN YEAR ROUND AT C.F.B. SHEARWATER IN SHEARWATER, NOVA SCOTIA CALL FOR HOURS OF OPERATION: (902) 460-1083 Supesvb/y Legendary Low Prices! It All Started Herein Cape Breton. We're Proud To Employ Over 285 Employees! • Sydney • North Sydney • Glace Bay * Sydney River 36
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