Page 37 - Mary Ann (MacLellan) MacEachern
ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
Maiy Ann (MacLellan) MacEachern from Interviews with Leonard MacLellan Mary Ann (MacLellan) MacEachern was born in Dennistown, ap? proximately five miles from Glendale, on June 22nd, 1898. Her many recollections of Dennistown are of her family, and her close neighbours • the Gillises, the O'Briens, MacLellans, and the MacDonalds • who occupied the five or six houses nearby. In 1933, Mary Ann married Charlie MacEachern (1901-1970), and they moved in with Charlie's first cousin, Jim (Duncan J.) Mac- Donald (1893-1961). After Charlie died in 1970, Mary Ann moved to the MacLellan Road in Judique, to live with her sister-in-law Marie (Gillis) MacLellan (1910-1995) and Marie's son Peter (1932- 1987). Following Peter's passing, Marie's daughter Irene MacLel? lan moved home from Toronto to look after her mother and Mary. (Can you tell me about the MacLellans that came over from Scotland? What were their names?) There were three brothers that came over from the old country (in 1821) . There was Ailean Mac'111'Shaoilein (Allan MacLel? lan), Raonull Mac'111'Shaoilein (Ronald MacLellan), and Iain Mac'111'Shaoilein (John MacLellan). They came over with their father (my great-grandfather). One of the brothers, Raonull (Ronald), who would be my grandfather, married Mary (MacEachern) and they had five children. There was my father, Donald (Ronald) (1838-1931), there was a younger brother Alec, and three sisters. Margaret and Anne (both didn't marry). My father married Elizabeth Ryan (1853-1922). She was born in Cardigan River, P.E.I., one of twelve children that were put up for adoption when their father died. (When she was three years old) my mother (Elizabeth Ryan) was brought up by the O'Briens in Dennistown, who might have been related somehow to the Ryans in P.E.I. After my mother and father were married, they had seven children. There was Ronald (1880- 1958). Allan (1882-1908), Alec Dan (1884- 1968), my sister Mary (1890-1909), John Dan (died of diphtheria when 1 1/2 years old), Johnny (1895-1930), and myself. I'm the only one of my parents' children that's st-ill here. (How did your father make a living?) Mak? ing butter tubs, churns, chairs, washing tubs. All carpentry work. If anyone needed a 'Kor'-n T-i cj t.tq o -t-Tnava -t-r Vi q 1 rv i-Vicatn TTra tubs. All carpentry work. If anyone ne a barn, he was there to help them. He nM ?r mm would go to work for someone, and get two or three dollars for that. (Did your father and mother farm?) We didn't have much of a farm. We had two cows and one horse, just for ourselves. We planted a little garden, potatoes and things. We would make the hay on the lit? tle farm. (Can you tell me some stories of when you were growing up in Dennistown?) Dhia, Dhia, I remember one day, when my father and mother went to church you know. (The St. Margaret of Scotland Church.) You know, the old express wagons they had then, with the high seat. We had no fancy Cape Breton Boarding Kennels MODERN HEATED FACILITY FOR DOGS AND CATS • Open 12 Months • Indoor - Outdoor Dog Kennels • New Cattery Separate Building from the Dogs • Certification of Vaccination Required SputS' 737-2281 R. R- #i, glace bay, n. s. KT';isd3- Danena's Restaurant and Take-Out LICENSED OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ( Home Cooked Meals * Home Baking ' 383-2118 SOUTH HARBOUR on the Cabot Trail near Cape North 37
Cape Breton's Magazine