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ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
NEW FROM Breton Books & Music CREDIT CARD ORDERS TOLL-FREE 1-800-565-5140 (INDUSTRIAL CAPE BRETON: 539-5140) Heading for Our 25th Year! A New Book from Cape Breton's Magazine Like the earlierCape Breton Lives, Cape Breton Works is a new selection of 26 life stories told by Cape Breton people. With over 300 pages and 150 photographs • this is a book that will keep these Cape Breton treasures alive. Get Cape Breton Works in bookstores anywhere, or use Orde Form below. Here's a portion from editor Ronald Caplan's introduction to Cape Breton Works: What seems to me to be of particular value is not so much what happened to people as what they made of what they had • 'and what, looking back, they find worth telling.... Cape Breton Island is an achievement. It is a day-to-day accomplishment. I know it in the the fierceness wi h which the home-and-school, the local hall, the church, the older ways, the respect for hospitality and conversation, good times, family • are still unasham? edly defended here. I know it in the sto? ries told out of Cape Breton lives. Cape Breton WORKS is a book about | love and boxing and sailing and acci? dents that didn't happen • it is centred on food and family and farming and fish- Cape Breton WORKS includes: Margaret Neil James: A Love Story Anne Morrell, Margaree Valley With Wilfred Poirier, Lobster Buyer The Martells of Flint Island Light Janie Nicholson, Midwife in Baddeck Bill Fraser, Superintendent RCMP, Rtd. Johnny Allan MacDonald of Enon Bowden Murphy: Splitting Fish Hattie Carmichael of the Meadow Rd. Bill Forbrigger and Coastal Schooners Mary Ryan: A Woman's Account Frank Murphy & the Steel Plant Yvon LeBlanc, Fortress Louisbourg Annie and John Battiste's History Horses in the Coal Mines Willy Pat Fitzgerald Rod & Rheta Campbell Jack Yazer, Citizen Gordie MacDougall, Boxer: My Life With Steve Whitty, Ingonish Beach Joe Delaney & His Scarecrows With Hilda MIeczko, Glace Bay ing, coal and steel • on going away and coming back and dealing with possiblities and with what was thrown in their way. Cape Breton WORKS is a book about some of the sti-ategies and techniques of survival in a tough, tough place • the voices of sur? viving remnants in a world under siege. The telling of stories is just one of those strat? egies, those accomplishments. qqq pgggg , ' 50 photOS • $19.95 JLLIG STORIES FROM THE WOMAN FROM AWAY by Tessie Gillis This terrific new novel of a woman's' Ufe in rural Cape Breton, and of the men and women whose struggles, weaknesses and wit enrich her com? munity, comes to Ufe with insight and compassion. Tessie GilUs and her husband returned to his home community in the 1950s. Her love for what she ob? served and learned as she worked on their small farm and shared in the tightly woven community Ufe of their neighbours, combined with her keen eye for character? istic detail and the heart of each person's story, were tempered by her own illness into stories that deliver a bold, rare portrait of unparalleled intensity. 182 pages • $12.95 you can contribute to the Archie Neil & Margaret Chisholm Scholarship Fund AT UNIVERSiTY COLLEGE OF CAPE BRETON • SEE PAGE 69* SUBSCRIBE TO: 4-ISSUE SUBSCRIPTION in Canada $19.00 outside Canada l AA " • S-CURRENCY ?pZH-.UU (or $27.00 Can. Currency) Cape Breton's MAGAZINE WRECK COVE Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson ?? Paul Cranford JUNE 1996 Send cheque, money order, or d # and expiry date to: CAPE BRETON'S MAGAZINE (Breton Books & Music) Wreck Cove Cape Breton, Nova Scotia BOC IHO ORDER FORM BOOKS PRICE QTY. Cape Breton Works $19.95 The Seven-Headed Beast and Other Acadian Tales.... $12.95 God & Me $ 5.95 Tessie Gillis: Stories from the Woman from Away $12.95 Archie Neil $14.95 The Glace Bay Miners' Museum.. $12.95 The Boy from Port Hood $15.95 Song of Rita Joe: Autobiography of a Mi'l(maq Poet $16.95 SUBSCRIPTIONS to Cape Breton's MAGAZINE 4 issues inside Canada $19.00 ~ 4 issues outside Canada U. S. Currency $24.00 - or Can. Currency... $27.00 - TOTAL: PLEASE ADD 7% G.S.T.. SUB-TOTAL: CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY: Phone 1-800-565-5140 (industrial Cape Breton, phone 539-5140) FAX (902) 539-9117 SHIPPING i| IN CANADA: Please add $4.50 for the first 2 Kerns, then add $1.00 for each additional Item. ??loUTSIDE CANADA: Add $4.00 for each item TOTAL:
Cape Breton's Magazine