Page 88 - A Visit with Frank Landry, 91. of Isle Madame
ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
here. So my oldest brother--! hadn't seen him for 10 years--! asked him, ! said, "V/hat do you think of it?" "Well," he says, "!'m gonna tell you. You're working home for two years, you came to see me. !'m working here for ten years and ! haven't got money enough to go and see you." ! says, "All right, thank you." So help my Lord, that's what happened. So ! stayed home and ! did just as well as they did. Of course, everybody couldn't do that because somebody, as far as being self-employed, they were not worth a damn because they don't know how to go about it. There's a big study in being self- employed. Don't wait until one little job is done before you look for the other one. ! was always busy. When ! wasn't doing something, Christ, it's jump to something else. And you better make sure that you have the (way) that if you borrow money that you're going to make money with it. ! seen somebody borrowing money here and, oh my God, when they'd have a couple of thou? sand dollars, geez, they'd be so rich they'd buy every damn thing in the world. Buy a car or some? thing, something that they wouldn't make any money with. Know what ! mean? They'd fail. Got? ta make sure that if you borrow money that you're gonna make money with it. (You were self- employed all your WHALE CRUISERS LTD. ESTABLISHED 1981 CHETICAMP (Opposite large stone church visible for miles.) Aboard the 42 ft. vessels WHALE CRUISER and BONNIE MAUREEN III, search for pilot whales, fin whales and minkes. Bird lovers may see bald eagles, gannets and a variety of other birds along the scenic coastline of Cape Breton Highlands National Park. View interesting geology rock formations and sea caves. Enjoy an ocean experience. SCHEDULE DAILY: May - June, 9 am. 6 pm (3 hrs.) July - Aug. 15, 9 am, 1 pm, 6 pm '''' Aug. 16 - Sept 15, 9 am, 1 pm, 5 pm [ w'l After Sept 15, 4 pm ''' Adults $25.00, Children 6-12, $10.00 Under 6 years FREE Contact: Whale Cruisers Ltd., Capt. Cai. Poirier P.O. Box 183, Cheticamp, N.S. BOE IHO Phone: (902) 224-3376 Fax: (902) 224-1166 Toll Free: 1-800-813-3376 During one period last seasor), witti a radio-equipped spotter vehicle, whales were sighted over 40 trips in a row. • BUS TOURS WELCOME • NOVA SCOTIA'S ORIGINAL WHALE CRUISE Awards: TIANS & Ambassador lei on-parie Frangais life.) That's right. (And you put your life together in little pieces, am ! right?) Right. That's it. Because the lighthouse didn't bother you from making a day's work ashore. You could come and work and then go back at night. !f it wasn't too stormy. Sometimes it was stormy enough that you would hardly get there. You know, there was a mile across and you had to row that. (Did you ever have trouble getting to the light in time?) Quite a bit, sometimes. ! didn't have any power, middle of the win? ter. You would come ashore and then you'd go back the next day or something and it was a breeze of wind and your oars would be about that big with frost. You'd have a hard time. Couple of hours to get there. (Did you ever fail to get the light lit in all those years?) No. No. No. There was a beach ! had to cross there from this island to the other one. And ! remember one time New Year's Eve ! had to go in the water up to here.... (Above your waist.) Yeah, to light the light. And then ! had to come back because my boat was on the big island. (You had to come back through the water again.) ! had no rum at that time either! Couldn't buy any. So I remember ! came home, my mother gave me a shot of ginger. Ginger and water. Never got a glow! (Was there ever once a time when you were supposed to light the light that you didn't get there?) No. No, I pretty well used to get there. (33 years.) Yeah. (Nev? er failed.) No, no. The light was always lit when it had to be lit. Sometimes ! overdone it by trying to get there. (What does that mean?) Overdone it because it was too stormy for me to try and get Cheticamp Craft & Souvenir Shop '*' MAIN STREET • CHETICAMP Hooked Rugs • J'sortedCaps Wood Carvings • Ceramics • Local Pottery Pewterware • SWEAT-AND T-SHIRTS • 'SW. Jeweikry (Btrfutm • Tapes • Books ...and much more! 9 AM to 9 PM • 7 Days a Week (902) 224-2068 (902) 224-3800 Maurice & Simone Poirier ~ Local Books ~ Series Books ~ Self-Help Books ~ Religion ~ Cook Books ~ Good assortment HOOKED RUGS of French Books Souvenirs - T-Shirts & Sweatshirts I |La Caisse Populaire de CHETICAMP • DAILY SAVINGS • SAVING ACCOUNTS • CHECKING ACCOUNTS • SMARTCHECKS • MASTERCARD CHETICAMP • Cheticamp Credit Union • R.R.S.P.S • MORTGAGES • LOANS • A.B.M. MACHINE 224-2055 Dennis Larade, Mgr. Mon-Thur 9:30 - 4:30 Friday 9:30 - 8:30 J Welcome to Over 200 Years of Tradition..
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