Page 89 - A Visit with Frank Landry, 91. of Isle Madame
ISSUE : Issue 70
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1
there. (The folks at home) didn't know if the light was lit. Sometimes there'd be three hours gone before I'd get home. And they were anxious. !t was too stormy to see the light from shore. They didn't know if ! had got there or not. !t didn't hap? pen too many times. No. (Were you ever afraid going in some of those storms and black nights?) No, no. No. ! wasn't afraid. (Never.) Nope. Nope. ! wasn't afraid. The only time, you know, ! was fishing with a fellow from Gloucester. He was 20 years fishing in dories alone in the States. You know, water didn't bother him too much. !t was stormy sometimes and I'm telling you, sometimes my hair was on end. But still he was a good fisherman. He knew how to handle a boat, too. Some days you couldn't get out, it was too stormy. There was a big storm before I was born. My mother lost her father and her brother in that big heavy August Gale. You've heard of the August Gale of years ago? (Did it have a special name?) No. There was no name on that one, they just called it the August Gale. As far as ! know. All the gales that was after that they had a name for it. This was an unexpected gale. Most of the fishermen that were in the ves? sels in the North Bay, most of them were all lost. Oh gee, it was terrible. La Cooperative de Cheticamp Complete Line of Groceries Meats - Poultry - Dairy Products Produce - Deli - Bakery Camping Supplies - Hardware MON-WED: 9 AM to 5 PM THUR-FRI: 9 AM - 9 PM • SAT 9 AM - 5 PM , OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK rAiii??u|eDeiieei9itii * Modern rooms, with picturesque view of Cheticamp Island and the Cape Breton Highlands nestled in the background * Private bath and cable T. V. * Continental Breakfast * Relax on our sundeck, while admiring our breathtaking view VISA/MASTERCARD/AMERICAN EXPRESS • WHEELCHAIR ACCESS Proprietors: Ronnie & Adfele Doucet Box 776, CHETICAMP, NS BOE IHO PHONE 1-800-646-8668 or (902) 224-3438 • FAX (902) 224-2792 ai'ijiB(6)i''pi?K?K]?? Dr. Elizabeth LePort Gallery & Museum INFORMATION CENTRE n Featuring magnificent D Museum of Marguerite Dr. Elizabeth LeFort Gallant's fine tapestries collection of artifacts BUS TOURS WELCOME ADMISSION: CHARGED CHETICAMP, N.S. (902) 224'2642 My mother lost her brother and father. And my grandmother had to support her until she got married, on 50C a day. Handling fish.... The gale was so strong that ! heard some of them small boats--they found them in fields. They washed away, the wind would carry them--would kind of lift them up. There was boats fishing in harbours, and herring fishing or mackerel fishing, setting nets, and they weren't outside but the gale was all over the place. So, my God, it was an awful gale. It might have been blowing 200 miles an hour, see. That's before my time. But my mother was telling me she lost her brother that was 20 years old, and her father. (There's a story about a cow at the old wharf...putting the cow in the water...?) Well, I'm gonna tell you. Oh yes, that happened at Poulamon wharf. They had the cow there and, of course, they had no way of landing that cow on the wharf. So they • OPEN EVERY DAY: 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. • Country • Bluegrass • Rock • Folk Fiddle and Newfoundland Music Largest Atlantic Region IVIusic selection in Eastern Canada. Tap your toe to Cape Breton & Newfoundland Fiddle, Accordion & Folk Music, & "Down East" Presentations. Write or ask for our list of Newfoundland & Maritime Music. -Available by Mail Order ~ 2 miles south of CHETICAMP, on the Cabot Trail P.O.Box 516, Cheticamp, NS BOE 1 HO • Ph: (902)224-3782 Cooperative Artisanale XWT/ Acadian Restaurant/ Acadian Museum V p. O. Box 98, Cheticamp, NS BOE IHO (902) 224-2170 Experience Acadian Traditions • Featuring the world famous Cheticamp hand-hool
Cape Breton's Magazine