Page 2 - With Ida Mauger of Cap La Ronde
ISSUE : Issue 71
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/12/1
*??iff ~C-2 • ''' • ' • '""'"' as I did. I want them to know that I remember their mother and all she did for me.... My first school was down in St. V, Esprit.... It wasn't a heavy school; the most pupils I had ''' • ' were 30, but we didn't count that %: a hard school. From Grades 1-- ABC's--Grades 1 up to Grade 11. ; (How long did you teach there?) ''''*'r??**' Just the one year. I came home. Designated I engaged for the school here at Cap La Ronde. I taught there one year, and the following year I got married.... I was going to tell you about my trip across from Cap La Ronde to L'Ardoise (on the way to teach at St. Esprit). My father owned a boat. And it was just across the way from --we could almost see the place, but it was across the ocean, St. Peter's Bay, coming into St. Peter's Bay. And he took me across in his And when 'B & R HERITAGE' ENTERPRISES presenting Cape Breton's Gaelic Tradition including A Tribute to the North Shore Gaelic Singers, on CD and Cassette also Gaelic Teaching Tapes & Programs P.O. Box 3, lona, Nova Scotia BOA ILO Phone/Fax 902 725 2013 boat, we got about midway across, I saw these funny things popping up all around the boat. My father knew what it was, but I didn't. He nev? er said a word. And when we got past quite a piece, "Well," he said, "thank God for that." I said, "What's 564-6200 Y GREAT y WINTER PACKAGES , AVAILABLE a provincial Heritage Home, kia IViauger's house at Cap La Ronde. wrong. Dad?" He said, "We came through a school of swordfish. And," he said, "one of those swords could have come right up in the centre of our boat!" He said, "We have a lot to thank the good Lord for." We were coming into L'Ardoise, you know. And I was so happy. Here was the man with his horse and buggy, waiting there on the wharf, ready to pick me up and take me down, you know. They treated me very well; they were wonderful and all, you know. But I was so young; I wasn't yet 16.... When I came home, (Lennox and I) got en? gaged. And the following year, after I taught (here), I got married.... (The two of you grew up on farms side by side.) My husband and me? Yes, we grew up side by side. We went to school together. He was born here on this farm, and I was born on the next farm. 564-4444 .A'Sis RESTAURANT* "Enjoy superS dining in a reta''ing & [u?(urious atmosphere SPECIALIZING IN CHINESE CUISINE Canadian Dishes also available FULLY LICENSED TAKE OUT & DELIVERY ORDERS Major Credit Cards Accepted ONE OF } CAPE BRETON'S FINEST i a iteking lilestaurant 355 Charlotte Street Dowr'town Sydney Tel: 539-77 Open dally 11:00 am iiiiiiiiiiiiiim
Cape Breton's Magazine