Page 60 - Joe Neil MacNeil: A Talk About Tales
ISSUE : Issue 71
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/12/1
see, she had that part in. Well, (MacMil? lan) only mentioned about three animals, three beasts or creatures that--he didn't have the names. But (Kate Kennedy) had the names, so I went by that part. That was worth so much. And then he had a part where he got the egg, and he put the egg on the stone and put his foot on it, see. Well, they had the two ends--the beginning and the end--and then I got in between, from the story, and I just.... (From where you had found it in a book?) Yes, where I picked up between--that's why the story was so darn long. It's what I got in the book, and the other two parts that I put on that story make it that much longer. (And when you found it in a book, did you find it in Gaelic or in English?) I guess it was in English that I must have found that. Or did I see that in Gaelic? I don't know. I don't I remember if I saw it in Gael? ic in any books. But I did see it in English, and I followed up, and I found out that it was the same story that I had. ? Quality Cameras Building, corner George & Dorchester Streets. PEOPLE YOU CAN TALK TO. (The sum of what you've done is in? credible re- CAMERAS and COMPUTERS THE ONE
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