Page 67 - Gabriel Sylliboy Becomes Grand Chief, 1918
ISSUE : Issue 71
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/12/1
wtapoqnmasutm telawtikek ika'qek $11.00. Skmtuk e'pitaq elinpekenaq Potlotek Sa'npatist Pla'spe'l wikmaja nekm wtapoqnmasutm telawtik ika'q $7.50. Skmtuk mijua'ji'jaq etlinpkaq na'te'la kisiku Lu't Pa'l wnijana kjipuktuk tleya telawtik nekm wsaliteyim $10.00. Aqq kisiku nekmewey ika'tu'tip kiknaq Se'ta'n Po'tloteka na sumalkia. Asukom te'sukumitek tujiw apj kisiku'k mawipiskweta'pni'k Kjikuo'mk ta'n eflaknutmamka eltu'tip mawiklusuaqn wjit ta'n telikisipukua'laten keptina, ta'ni piley I'nu saqmaw apoqnmajia, aqq kisa'tasik mawi wlite'taqn wjit mawiklusuaqniktuk Antle Elek putu's apajimsenk Po'tlotek tley; skmtuk Paksima Pask kjikeptin We'koqma'q tley, So'sep Ekkian keptin Po'tlotek tley, Sa'n Nuel Teni keptin Malikewe'jk tley, Plansue Pielaw keptin Waqmatkuk, Plansue Ku'l keptin Eskisoqnik; skmtuk kjikan Kunteyiktuk alsusuti newkte telipukutk. Kaqikisipukueta'titek keptina tujiw saqmaw Mattio Plansue Malikuomijkewa'j etlewistoqop Kjikuomk weskutkip ankaptmn Mi'kmawaji ta'n te'sit wejiwkutkepisit. Na mawipukteminu ktek Po'tlotek U'nama'ki mawa'tasin suliewey wjit ta'n telikisipkwateltisnu wklujjiem mikwite'tmaqney Ksaqmaminuaq, Sa'n Teni, etlinpekaq Eskisoqnik U'nama'kika, aqq jel nekm nankmiw meskana'toqsipnek wsuliem, aqq me' eykik ji'nmukik ta'nkik tela'taqititkik; kwlaman etawemk msit wenik wUmajulkwatminew ta'n na ksaqmaminuaq telitpelut, na newkte h'te'taqna. Skmtuk eluiknek te'sukunitek, elta'mkip meski'k klujjiewey kaqmik ke'kwe'k kmtniktuk ta'n teli wisunkasik Kalpe'l; kujjinu I'nuipa'tlia's eliwije'wep. Poqtamkita'mkek lamikuomk alasutmo'kuomk weji pkuji alasutmamkip aqq nuji alasutmat nekm kujjinal iknmatip wnikani alasutman e'wmn elasutmaqn ta'n teley klujjiewey awtiktuk teleya; aqq tehaqip, te'sekklujjiewe'jl te's nenkita'mk mi'soqo ta'n tett meski'k klujjiewey kaqmik ke'kwe'k kmtniktuka. Na'te'l pejita'mkek, tujiw kujjinu I'nuipa'tlia's etlinsituapukuet kikjiw klujjieweyiktuka paqinestmn ta'n tele'ksip klujjiewey awtia aqq teplutkip ta'n koqoey ela'luek elue'wutiktuka na na'te'l telipuna'tuna, jel wekaw puktewijk elui'tmasultinew wineywek aqq tela'taktitki'k wskwijinu'kuik elita'mkip klujjiewey weskaqltmkip app epki'tnemasuti ela'ti'tip mimajuinu'ka, aqq kaqikiskajol'timkek tujiw apj apajintu'tipnik mi'soqo lamikuom alasutmo'kukma. Tujiw kaqi apajita'mkek nankmiw wi'kipaltimkewey wenaqa'tu'ti'tip ji'nmuk wi'kipalanew pile'l wsaqmamuala. Aqq kaqikiskajiaq wi'kipaltimk nankmiw kisiku'k wenaqineskawtpnik nespama'tip ta'n telki'k wsutukuni wsekewita'suti telisaqma'sik mekwayik wtininewaqa. Na etliaqsip mawio'mi Po'tlotek U'nama'kik. L'Arche Cape Breton The Ark L'Arche Cape Breton is a community for mentally challenged people and those who choose to share life with them. Drop by our store THE ARK - new books and crafts - used books and clothing THE ARK exit 4 on the Trans-Canada L'Arche Cape Breton Whycocomagh, N. S. B0E3M0 (902) 756-3162 We welcome visitors ft)r tea and a tour about our community every Wednesday ' in July and August at 1:30 p.m. Nike'j pasik aknimlok ta'n te'sijikki's malie'wultijika. Kaplie'l Klimu kisimalie'wit aqq e'pite's Matle'n Jo skmtuk Pie'l Patist aqq Plisit Mise'1, skmtuk Plansue Kapo aqq Anije'n Plaspe'l. Na' na msit. Ni'n mawio'mi nujiw'kiket. B'lS REFLECnONS THE CABOT MEETING ? 07 erful pilgrims]. There, near the great cross, the priest preached about the road to Calvary and what happened to Christ there. He warned everyone about their sins, telling them they must stop doing sinful things, including drinking which leads us to do wrong. The people then went to the cross and kissed it and were blessed in doing so. They finished and then retumed to the church, singing all the way. Immediately upon returning a feast of honour was commenced by the men to celebrate the new Grand Chief. When the feast was ready the elders got up and offered condolences for the late chief. Then they felt joy, the kind that comes from the centre of your being. This happened at the mission on Chapel Island. Now I will tell you who got married. Gabriel Cremo was able to marry the young girl Madeleine Joe, as did Peter Battiste and Bridget Michael, and Frank Cabot and Annie Jane Prosper. That's how it was. [Signed] Me, the mission scribe. TRANSLA? TORS' NOTE: Albert Mar? shall explains that the pro? noun Ni'n m e, rather than the writer's proper name, was often employed by native writers as a pen name in public docu? ments. Mr. Marshall sug? gests that the Mi'kmaqs' strong sense of community made the idea of signing one's name to a mis? sion report cul? turally inappropriate. The photos of the proces? sion in the 1984 St. Anne's Day Mission are from an article called "St. Anne's Day Mission, Chapel Is? land," in Issue 40 of Cape Breton's Mag? azine, which includes a 1983 interview with Grand Captain Noel Marshall, a visit to St. Anne's Day Mission in 1923, a talk with Sarah Denny, and a talk with Grand Captain Alex Denny. the prophecy A Mi'kmaq woman dreamed one night that a small island floated toward the land of Nagooset. The island con? tained garments of white rab? bit skins at one glance • then it became an island of bare trees with black bars on its branches. The woman told her dreams to the elders and vision people of the village, but no one at the time could interpret the significance of what the dream meant. With the sighting of the first Euro? pean sailing ships, the vision of the Mi'kmaq prophet be- / came clearer. RELIVE Be a part of the celebrations as communities along the famed Cabot Trail celebrate the 500th anniversary of John Cabot's voyage to Cape Breton's shores. Inspired by the centuries-old prophecy of a Mi'kmaq woman, the celebrations will take you back to the time of the early European explorers. REKINDLE Reflections '97 • The Cabot Meeting is a special year? long celebration developed to rekindle the spirit of that first chance encounter. Come and experience what we have to offer by making Cape Breton Island part of your family travel plans. REFLECT Let your imagination take over in 1997 as you conquer the Cabot Trail, the most scenic drive in North Ameri? ca, which proudly bears the name of the great explorer John Cabot. Since 1497, Cape Breton Island has be? come the home of a vibrant, multicultural community where the people are welcoming and the backdrop is unforgettable. Celebration highlights include: • Reflections '97 • The Cabot Meeting: A year? long program of Festivals and Events • Reflections '97: A four-day festival from June 28- July 1, 1997, at Cabot's Landing, Cape North • Enactment of the first meeting between Cabot and the Mi'kmaq people at Cabot's Landing on June 28,1997 • A flotilla of Tall Ships visiting seaport communi? ties across Cape Breton Island in July 1997 • Visit of The Matthew, the replica of John Cabot's boat, from August 19-22, 1997 Call 1-800-565-9464 for more information. Ask for Terry.
Cape Breton's Magazine