Page 4 - A Visit with Jack Sam Hinkley
ISSUE : Issue 16
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/6/1
You know, a lot of people don't believe what down the road. Two of them are dead now • I tell them. They don't believe such things not so long since they died. One is living could happen. Just what I'm telling you • they yet. And when I got down to the main road they wouldn't believe the half of that now. they were about as far as from here to the pavement ahead of me. About sundown. And I unhooked a gate, turned around, and when I looked there was no sign of them. And I knew the three of them • two MacLeans and a In a place down here called Pollett's Cove it's about 8 miles from here • they claim there was money got there long years ago. It couldn't be pirate money. You know, ships Macintosh fellow. Now that was a funny long ago • going and buying merchandise and thing. I could swear that I saw those boys stuff • they had to take gold or silver. Well and they weren't there at all. And there if a ship was cast away, they've had hard wasn't a bush or anything for them to hide enough to save their own lives in a place like that where there was no one living, without carrying money. That's how that money was buried down there. And it was got from there too. That's what my grandfather said. He remembered when people came down from Pictou • Frasers they were • and they brought a boat down and they brought a team of oxen down, through the woods. And they took down a plow. There's a. place on the western side of the river they call The Hill. It was bare at that time and it's bare yet. And you could see the marks where the furrows were plowed in that hill the last time I was to Pollett's Cove. He said they plowed the hill there, got the money, too. Because they didn't stay. They left with their team and their boat, and it wasn't too long up in Pictou when they started up a store. Somebody was in that vessel that was cast away that knew where that money was, I suppose. Likely had a map of ito That's what my grandfather was thinking anyway. The old people believed in forerunners. (And you?) Well, I don't know. I believe in things that I saw. About 75 years ago I was up to the post office up here and I was coming down and I saw three boys coming m. And I kept on down-'-lobster factory used to be there • and there was one of the boys down there. And I met the other two coming home. I never let on to them what I saw. And nothing ever came out of it. Wasn't .that a funny thing? And I was as sure as I'm seeing you.right there that I saw those people. I never saw anything else. But I heard my father say that he did. He said he was com? ing down in a boat one time, him and another fellow • a Fraser fellow • and going along the bank up here on the other side of the har? bour • there used to be a path going along there • and he saw a woman going up. And it looked like the wife of that fellow that was with him, Sandy Fraser. Sandy Fraser said, "That's Mary, my wife, wherever she's going." And she came to a fence • and my father said she went right through like there was no fence there at all. Well, they didn't know what to. say. Three weeks from that day they took her remains to the grave? yard that way. Yes, I often heard my father say that. (Did he ever tell other stories like that?) No, not like that. But anything he ever told me like that was true. He'd never lie. COMTINUBD NEXT PAGE School on the Hill Is a CRAFT and FOLKART shop The setting is a traditional Cape Breton school house located on the Cabot Trail. This unique shop sells original handmade Leather Pottery Furniture Sculpture Paintings Quilts Weaving Jewelery And much more at a full range of prices. For a gallery of Atlantic folkart with a warm country atmosphere visit SCHOOL ON THE HILL North River Bridge Cape Breton Nova Scotia Open June 1 to October 31, 7 days a week, 8 to 8, Cape Breton*s Magazine/4
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