Page 12 - William H. "Bull" Marah - Still Fighting
ISSUE : Issue 72
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1
the mechanics would be going down and these people'd be going down--supposedly neces? sary people. (They're making a living.) Yeah. (And you're going home, you're on strike.) Yeah. No unemployment, no nothing. And I wasn't an officer or anything in the union. So I went down there this night. And I was getting mad then, you know, about this. Big Dominic was in the chair at the time, he was (local) president. And I got up and I said, "Look, Mr. Chairman, would you kindly tell me what's going on here, an3rway?... Every second day I'm go? ing home. I You're working! B & R HERITAGE' ENTERPRISES presenting Cape Breton's Gaelic Tradition including A Tribute to the North Shore Gaelic Singers! on CD and Cassette also Gaelic Teaching Tapes & Programs P.O. Box 3, lona, Nova Scotia BOA ILO Phone/Fax 902 725 2013 And you're working"--the secretary- treasurer . "You're all go? ing down in the pit, and I'm going home! Now," I said, "if you're sup? posed to be achieving some? thing, or some principle in? volved, then I'd like to see everybody go. Let us all go." HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CANADA Supports Small Business • Through self-employed assistance, creating viable jobs. • Eligible individuals can receive various types of support during startup of business. • Assistance can include business plan devel? opment, coaching, ongoing technical advice and financial support. • Coaching can be tailored to your needs and can include accounting and marketing techniques. • Eligible individuals must be unemployed and have established an Insurance Benefit Claim. • interested individuals can call their nearest Human Resource Centre. Sydney Glace Bay North Sydney 564-7212 842-2456 794-5719 1'1 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPPEMENT DES DEVELOPMENT CANADA RESSOURCES HUMAINES CANADAI So, I left. The next night, the pit's tied up. Well, I went to meeting--16 pit tied up. Well, well--I got up. And I made a speech. I guess I could talk then and didn't know it. And there's eve? rybody at that meet? ing. We went over. We tied up Number 12, we tied up Num? ber 18. Sixteen was down. Then we got in the cars the next couple of days, we went over and we tied up every pit in the district! That's a fact. Tied them all up! And we didn't let the pumpsmen go down, we didn't let anybody go down--nobody. We said, "If we're going to go home, every? body is going home! We're going to be to? gether." This is what we did. We flattened everything--the whole works. And we went into Sydney--and we chased Harold Gordon out of his house. He went out by the back door and went down through the woods. (You went to the house.) Oh, right to his house. His yard was full. The cars were parked everywhere. Oh, yeah. We had motorcades--hundreds and hundreds of cars. And we had everything flattened. And that was me--I instituted that one. And then, ironical? ly enough, when I went president of the union, they said, "The dis? tricts '11 be tied up all the time."... Bill Marsh continues on page 79 O MONTHLY COURSES O ' 14 Wentworth St. Sydney, NS BIP 5H7 PH/FAX (902) 562-6061 Explore the Beauty of Cape Breton with Boat Tours & Dive Charters • Catch our award-winning TV show Cape Breton Diver on the Vision Network on Tuesdays SALES * SERVICE * RENTAL HnP://WWW.COMPU-CLONE.NS.CA/SCUBA-TECH Paper Tole Pictures and Supplies SOFT TOYS * APRONS * EARRINGS Children's Jumpsuits Tartan Ties and Stickpins FINISHED PICTURES PAPER TOLE Prints & Supplies Paper Tole Classes in September Call for Info or Orders 562-8061 SYDNEY
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