Page 28 - A Little Visit with Ashley MacIsaac's Parents
ISSUE : Issue 72
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1
favourite music is marches and strathspeys. I love marches. I think Angus Beaton's one of the kings at that. He was terrific. Carmelita: Now, I love jigs. I love, love-- I just love when the kids play jigs. Angus: When I go to a dance in West Mabou on Saturday night--and, of course, it's mostly jigs and reels they play--jigs for the first and second figure, and the third figure is reels--but what really brings the night on and what makes it alive and makes you just stand up and look is when they get out there and stepdance and they play strathspeys. Even reels are beautiful, and there are some beautiful steps they can do to reels. But the slow pieces, a slow strathspey and then into a fast strathspey, is where you really bring out the dancer. That's where you see the best steps that can be done. It's unreal. Just love it.... (How do you keep in touch with Ashley?) Carmelita: Actually, Ashley calls us pret? ty well every day. To tell us where he's I at and how his gig was. It might only be for a second that we talk, if he's on the car phone, or if he's calling from a motel it might be ten min? utes . But we al? ways , you know.... I talked to him this WHALE CRUISERS LTD. ESTABLISHED 1981 CHETICAMP (Opposite large stone ciiurch visible for miles.) Aboard the 42 ft. vessels WHALE CRUISER and BONNIE MAUREEN III, search for pilot whales, fin whales and minkes. Bird lovers may see bald eagles, gannets and a variety of other birds along the scenic coastline of Cape Breton Highlands National Park. View interesting geology rock formations and sea caves. Enjoy an ocean experience. SCHEDULE DAILY: May - June, 9 am, 6 pm (3 hrs.) July - Aug. 15, 9 am, 1 pm, 6 pm y'''' Aug. 16 - Sept 15, 9 am, 1 pm, 5 pm [ w'j After Sept. 15, 10 am, 4 pm Adults $25.00, Children 6-12, $10.00 Under 6 years FREE Contact: Whale Cruisers Ltd., Capt. Cal. Poirier RO. Box 183, Cheticamp, N.S. BOE IHO Phone: (902) 224-3376 Fax: (902) 224-1166 Toll Free: 1-800-813-3376 During one period last season, with a radio-equipped spotter vehicle, whales were sighted over 40 trips in a row. • BUS TOURS WELCOME • NOVA SCOTIA'S ORIGINAL WHALE CRUISE Awards: TIANS & Ambassador lei or> parle Frangais morning for a second. He's going to New York tomorrow for two days and then he'll be home for a week-and-a-half, I think it is. Can't wait. We enjoy when he comes home. Now, he was home at Christmas time and we really enjoyed it. He's the godfather for our new grandson--his brother (Henry's) little fellow--so he made sure he had that day off. Then we went to Sydney, and he surprised me with a new van. In front of the motel. We went down to Sydney and he said he had to go in and check on the rooms. Angus and I were sitting out in the car. He came out and he went around the car, saw him driving up with this van. He said--tooted the horn--he said, "Here, Mom. Here's the rest of your Christmas gift." Brand new 1997 van. Angus: That wasn't too hard to take. Carmelita: It was pretty nice! No. That's the way he is. He's very, very, very good to all of us. Very good. Oh, he's just got a heart of gold. Angus: I went to Sicily with him last April. And then on to Rome from there. We flew to Rome and the rest of the band flew back to Toronto. But him and I stayed there and we went to the Vatican. He was actually back over there again--him and his band. Back over again. And played, well, they played on the stage with Smash? ing Pumpkins and Sting. He was pretty ex? cited to get on stage with those people. And then played before 600,000 people. There were 400,000 attended the one the year before. Last year there were 600,000. So that's pretty good exposure. (So you find he isn't already cool to the ' (902) 224-3800 Maurice & Simone Poirier ~ Local Books ~ Series Books ~ Self-Help Books ~ Religion ~ Cook Books ~ Good assortment HOOKED RUGS '' French Books Souvenirs ~ T-Shirts & Sweatshirts Plage Saint Pierre Camping cHniciMP '''y overnight with us while touring the Cabot Trail! OVER 130 WOODED & OPEN SITES FULL SERVICE SITES '' Fun for the whole fiunily with clean facilities '* including 1/2 mile of sandy beach for swimining • change rooms on the beach • & relaxing entertainment MINI-GOLF • TENNIS COURTS • LAUNDROMAT CARAVANS for bikers, motorhomes & trailers Box 430, CHETICAMP, NS BOE 1 HO • ph 902-224-2112 • fax 902-224-1579 YOUR HOSTS Gllles & GInette La Caisse Populaire Cheticamp Credit Union de CHETICAMP . DAILY SAVINGS • SAVING ACCOUNTS • R.R.S.P.S . CHECKING ACCOUNTS • MORTGAGES .SMARTCHECKS • LOANS . MASTERCARD • A.B.M. MACHINE CHETICAMP • 224-2055 Penr'lsUradcMgr. 'Mon-Thur' 9:30 - 4:30 Friday 9:30 - 8:30 Welcome to Over 200 Years of Tradition... 28
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