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ISSUE : Issue 72
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1
Carrying on the Traditions A Journey of Discovery into the World of the Bagpipes! SEE & HEAR ... Buddy MacMaster ''H''''''''H Jackie Dunn Theresa MacLellan '''ffl|''jTmnQ''Q Jeffrey Gosse Jerry Holland ''''''''''''' Sandy Maclntyre Brenda Stubbert • Robert Stubbert • Sheila Cameron CARRYING ON THE TRADITIONS is a good rich sampling of Cape Breton Fiddling to? day • to watch or simply listen to. Over and over. This video is aimed at the fiddler and the fiddle fanatic • if s the musicians performing seated in one spot • music, music, music. How each holds the violin and the bow, from the seated dancing of Rodney MacDonald, to the barely perceptible movements of Robert Stubbert, to Theresa MacLellan's authority and grace • and Brenda Stubbert's daughter Tracey's absolutely man/elous stepdancing. Video includes a very good booklet with articles, analysis of styles, biographies, etc. 90-minute video • $29.95 GREAT] The Pipes VIDEOS/ The Pipes are Calling. '. • TORONTO STAR' traditions of Eastem Canada, the historic warpipes, and the community dance piper tradition of Cape Breton. 90-min. video $29.95 NOW YOU CAN OWN the finest movie ever made about Cape Breton Island. Winner of 6 Genies and the hearts of millions, Marga? ret's Museum is the classic story of love, coal life, and rage. Based on Sheldon Currie's extraordinary novel The Glace Bay Miners' Museum, the movie stars Helena Bonham Carter, Kate Nelligan, Clive Russel, and the people and land? scapes of Cape Breton. VIDEO only $14.95 BOOK only $12'95 BOOK-and-VIDEO BARGAIN! Get both for $25.00 IF YOU THINK YOU HATE BAGPIPES, this video will brighten your life! The sound, the landscape and colour • visits with people who play and make pipes in Canada, Ireland, Scotland and France • the combined music of over 400 pipers and hurdy gurdy players, plus staggering individual performances • then back to the New World to ex? plore the rich piping '---------------- • ----------- ORDER FORM BOOKS The MacLellan Trio!fSD?' on CD and CASSETTE TAPE > BEAUTIFUL, EX? CITING MUSIC from a family that has kept the clas? sic Cape Breton repertoire alive. Children of legen? dary fiddler Big Ronald MacLel? lan, The MacLel? lan Trio • Theresa and Donald, vio? lins; Marie playing piano • deliver superb dance music that makes great listening, mastered from the'original Celtic studio recordings. 65 TUNES • OVER 70 MINUTES OF MUSIC COMPACT DISC $19.95 • CASSETTE TAPE $11 '1' .95 qKIaI' • GOOD CLEAR PROSE, fo? cused subjects, and often out? rageous approaches • an inti? mate portrait of and by Silver Donald Cameron. 220 pages $16.95 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS of Cape Breton's Magazine is a success for all of us. With your support, we continue to collect and publish examples of the vigour, good humour, sin? gularity, and courage that make Cape Breton a unique people and place. JOIN US IN OUR 25TH YEAR! SUBSCRIBE, RENEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR FRIENDS • SEE ORDER FORM • PRICE QTY. Cape Breton Works $19.95 (MORE STORIES FROM CAPE BRETON'S MAGAZINE) Sterling Silver $16.95 The Cape Breton Giant $ 6.95 The Glace Bay Miners' Museum.. $12.95 VIDEOS/CDs/TAPES Margaret's Museum Video $14.95 - SPECIAL: VIDEO & BOOK set $25.00 - The Pipes Are Calling Video $29.95 _ Carrying on the Traditions .Video $49.95 _ The MacLellan Trio Compact Disc... $19.95 _ Cassette Tape... $11.95 _ The Lighthouse Collection Book-&-Compact Disc... $27.95 _ Book-&-Cassette Tape. .. $27.95 _ Compact Disc.. . $19.95 _ Cassette Tape. ..$11.95_ SUBSCRIPTIONS to Cape Breton's MAGAZINE 4 issues inside Canada $19.00 _ 4 issues outside Canada U. S. Currency $24.00 _ or Can. Currency .. . $27.00 _ TOTAL OF ITEMS: lIlNC/ ??Ithen I'OUT! SHIPPING IN CANADA: Please add $4.50 for the first 2 Items, add $1.00 for each additional item. OUTSIDE CANADA: Add $4.00 for each item TOTAL: TOTAL visa OMASTERCARD Enclosed I TTTT Exp.; J Signature:_ H ??-''ll'lllH'l'|||ill''''??lj''liH''li''fAMW'''l3 Send cheque, money order, or credit card # and expiry date to: Cape Breton's MAGAZINE WRECK COVE ' NOVA SCOTIA Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson • Paul Cranford JUNE 1997 34
Cape Breton's Magazine