Page 44 - Memories of Giant MacAskill In Gaelic from MacTalla, 1893
ISSUE : Issue 72
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1
chuid tuilleadh us rag gus a chraobh a thairuing, neo cha b'urrinn da. Dh-fhas Aonghas car crosta agus chuir e a chraobh air a ghuallainn 's thug e dhachidh i. Beagan nine an deigh sin thanig Frangach a Cheticamp gus a dhol a shabaid ri Mac As? guill. Bha e gle mhor as fhein, agus bha Ian dhuil aige gun toireadh e am fear eile gu striochdadh. Am feasgar a bha aca ri sabaid, rug iad air laimh air a cheile, agus fhuair lamh an Fhrangich fasgadh cho dona, 's gum b'fheudar dha pairt dhe shao- ghal an deigh sin a chur seachad ann an ospidal, a feuchinn ri mheoirean briste fhaighinn air an slanachadh. Air latha eile thanig e nail a cheannach nithean araidh bho Mhr. Munroe, a bha 'n uair sin ri ceannachd air an aite 'tha 'n diugh aig m' athair. Bha Munroe na dhuine mor laidir, 's na shar ghleachdair, agus bha e gle dheonach air neart 'Ic Asguill DIRECT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Do you earn a net income of $9,500 per year or less? Is your annual . net lamily income $16,500 or less? If SO, you may be eligible for a $90 or $125 rebate under the Direct Assistance Program. Applications may be piclced up at: Sydney Access Nova Scotia 338 Charlotte Street 563-3700 To have an application form mailed to you or for more information, phone toll-free 1-800-787-0889. NOTE: Because of other government programs and services ti)at are designed for social assistance recipients, students and persons sup? ported by the province in long-term care facilities, the following are not eligblefor this program: • Persons who received Social Assistance for more than three months in 1996. • Students enrolled in a post-secondary institution for four months or more in 1996. • Persons supported by the province in long-term care facilities. Business and Consumer Services previously, a clever man from England named Dunseath came the way and, seeing MacAs? kill, made up his mind that it would be an excellent idea to take him with him to oth? er places in his own country to show him as a novelty. So after much pleading, MacAs? kill agreed to go. Mr. Dunseath made much money that year showing him in Nova Scotia, Canada and the United States. MacAskill was just on salary and because of that he didn't acquire much wealth. But the next year, he made another contract with Mr. Dunseath. The money was to be divided be? tween them, share and share alike, and in that way he earned a good amount. On this trip he and Tom Thumb were shown together, and what a sight to see, the difference in their size and the speed with which Tom Thumb would per? form tricks with MacAskill. He would dance on his palms, he would jump from hand to hand, and then MaAskill would put him in his pocket. The next year he made the same agreement with another man. This time he was taken before the Queen, who said she was glad that giants were being raised in Nova Scotia as well as in Old Scotland. He also visited the West Leather Works by John C. Roberts Bags Buckets Visit Workshop and Store at • INDIAN BROOK • CAPE BRETON ISLAND BOC IHO On Cabot Trail between Baddeck & Ingonish DAILY 9-5 SUNDAY 10-5 (May thru Oct Telephone (902) 929-2414 ""GIANT MacASKILLMusEUM and GIFT SHOP CLOTHING FURNITURE PHOTOGRAPHS INFORMATION GENEALOGY MljU OPEN: 7 Days a Week • 9 a.m. to 6 p.mJIBBQP 2.5 km. from ENGLISHTOWN FERRY on Route 312 ' Sal! aboard the Mq$m' Mss "* PUFFIN BOAT TOURS Your only Bird Island Boat Tour on the Cabot Trail-take EXm 2 RESERVE.|NFO:(902) 929-2563 lb Box 33, Englishtown, NS BOC IHO CHOICE OF 2 CRUISES Of one of the most beautiful coastlines In Cape Breton: Historical St. Ann's HARBOUR CRUISE View historic locations of: 'first French settlement 'Giant MacAskill's wharl & store • departure of Rev. Norman MacLeod's people for New Zealand' Oxford Pulp & Paper Mill Bird Island ECO TOUR View: 'bald eagles 'comiorants 'ospreys 'guillemots 'Atlantic puffins COAST GUARD CERTIFIED • FULL PASSENGER LIABILfTY- 'BAR & CANTEEN' J Extraordinary St. Ann's Bay... 44
Cape Breton's Magazine