Page 73 - Anne Blufarb's Second World War
ISSUE : Issue 72
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1
That was when they made the ghetto.... We went to live with an aunt of ours who gave us just a corner from her bedroom. We just had enough space to put in one bed and a little cot. We didn't have a hiding place, and that was really the most important thing. But people started to prepare and make hiding places knowing that there was going to be a killing. Above: The symbol of a Holocaust survivor, on Ri? chie's gravestone In the Jewish cemetery overlook? ing Sydney. The Richie and Anna Blufarb family, with sons Vladimir, Benjamin, and Fred. As we were looking 1-800-565-2222 SPARKLING SPRING WATER LIMITED Pam Ellsworth AREA SALES MANAGER 43 Cossitt Heights Drive, Sydney Nova Scotia • Canada • Bl P 7B4 FAX 902-567-0525 through the window, there was a fence where they separated the ghetto from the place where the Polish and Ukrainian people were living. I could see the German soldiers jumping over the fence. And I said, "Oh gosh, they're coming in, there'll be a kill? ing." So we have to go hide, and we had no hiding place. And my - aunt- -they had made in the basement a hiding place, but it was very small. Only enough for them. So they didn't want to let us in. But once we (saw) where they were going.... One of the rooms where my aunt lived-- and she had a son-- they dug out an en? trance to the base? ment. It was like a brick stove where they were cooking, and it was just a small piece on the side where they kept kindling, wood...and you took all this wood out. And I'm telling you that they made a trap door. We were going into that basement. The basement was just ground. Just earth. And the way they fixed it for themselves--they made from the ground something that looked like a bench. You could sit in there. There was a little bit lower dug so you could put your feet down. And there was a small baby there. A newborn baby. It was my cousin's baby. They gave Overlooking the Margaree Valley at the Junction of Route 19 and the Cabot Trail A full-accommodation Lodge featuring: DINING ROOM LOUNGE SWIMMING POOL SPACIOUS ROOMS Take advantage of nearby recreation: BEACHES GOLF FAIRWAYS CAMPING FRESH AND SALT WATER FISHING HIKING The best of Nova Scotian musicians entertain in our lounge every weekend. Check with us to see who is playing, and drop in for an enjoyable evening. P. O. Box 550 MARGAREE FORKS Nova Scotia BOE 2A0 Phone (902) 248-2193, William F. Maclsaac, Manager RELAX IN THE BEAUTIFUL MARGAREE VALLEY Need a Radiator? Muffler? Shocks? Brakes? RAD-PRO Specializing in Radiator Repair & Recores Heaters Water Pumps, Etc. FIVE LOCATIONS: Sydney Downtown 562-2300 and Grand Lal(e Road 564-5547 tniDAS JSpecializing in IVIufflers Bralces Shocks Springs Antigonish: 863-6090 • Port Hawliesbury: 625-3781 • New Glasgow: 752-8777 73
Cape Breton's Magazine