Page 75 - Anne Blufarb's Second World War
ISSUE : Issue 72
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1
they lined them up in front of that mass grave and they would shoot them in the back of the head. And how do I know that? There was one woman who ran away from there. At the time I was working for that Ukrainian fellow and she was working in the office. She ran away from there. She told me they killed so many people in the back of the head and they fell in. Before they killed them, they told them to take off all their clothes. They took it all and they put it on the side and they killed all the people. That fellow didn't have any more (ammunition) or whatever and that woman was the last standing and he told her to run, run! So she started to run.... She ran away and when she came to that place where I worked--I was hiding there--her eyes were so big, the pupils of her eyes, abnormal big. The terror and the fright on her face was so visible, I've never seen anybody with such a look in their eyes. She told us about that place and how they cov? ered the people--the grave (wasn't) deep enough.... And after they were killing-- they were on a hill--the blood was running down. There was so much blood. Some of the people weren't dead, they were just wounded, and they weren't covered with too much soil--so some got out from that grave and some of the farmers helped them to get out because they were still alive. And they told this story. That's how we knew whatever happened there. Then the Germans put police on it to see that nobody gets out anymore. And they jFtttttral 5|ome 84 Main St. • Sydney Mines 736-8701 Bob Francis • 736-3419 "Four Generations of Service " jA 'L'L Talk to Us '''' for Your Complete HjMH Investment Needs 'Bi"li" ~ CONTACT ANY BRANCH ~ Community Banking in Cape Breton Bank of Montreal We're Paying Attention told the farmers to plant things on that place where they were killing, to cover up.... So they planted cabbage. And the cabbage grew so enormously big that there even was hunger and people didn't have what to eat--but when they brought the cabbage for sale people didn't want to buy it because they said it grew on human's blood. They wouldn't eat it. They even brought some to the ghetto to give away and they said they've never seen cabbage that big. They were saying (it was) be? cause it was grown on human blood. I used to take such drastic measures to survive. I used to go out from the ghetto to hide in dif? ferent plac? es. I used to go in the middle of the night when there was nobody allowed to go out.... What I think, it's the will to live. It's Warren Gordon Gordon Photographic Ltd. 367 Charlotte Street, Sydney, N.S. B1P 1 El • (902) 564-5665 • 1998 CAPE BRETON CALENDAR IS HERE! Trust in our stars! * • * • GREAT FOOD NORTH SYDNEY CAPEBRETON Nova Scotia's Friendly Seaport • Gateway to Newfoundland |Travellers to Cape Breton: "Unpack Once' Centrally Located to Most Attractions 74 Rooms - Kings, Standards, • Fishery Restaurant and SuKes • St. Pierre Rum Bar Luxury Suite - Jacuzzi Bath • Indoor Pool and Whirlpool Harbour View - Air conditioned • Kids free with parents • Seniors Discount Tel: (902) 794-8581 Fax: (902) 794-4628 Forrest Street, P.O. Box 157, North Sydney, N.S 1-800-561-8585 (Atlantic) Congratulations on 25 Years of Cape Breton's Magazinel 75
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