Page 22 - The Canada Lynx
ISSUE : Issue 2
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1973/1/1
Lynx seem to travel in families all year except in spring. There are even claims of Lynx joining in packs to drive rabbits. But usually it is alone, or at most in a pair or threesome. The period of carrying is probably 60 to 65 days (it is 55 to 60 in the common Cat). It is thought the females do not breed in their first year, but rather at the age of 22-23 months. The mother prepares a comfortable nest in a hole or hollow log or under a windfall. The reported size of a litter is from 1 to 6 but most evidence is for a maximum of 4, which seems probable since a lynx has only 4 mammae. Seton's drawing is of a kitten "dropped on March, 1883, when the mother had been in capti? vity about a month. She gave birth to 5 kittens but this was the only one rescued from her unmotherly jaws, when the first was born, she at once prepared to clean it, and seemed fond of it. After a short time, it gave vent to a weak squeal, which led her to eye it curiously...another squeal was delivered • it was at once devoured. The mother did not exhibit any tenderness toward the other 4, and the keeper made two J W. StepKer s Lircvited 'r'l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CSV'''Ita "ov"mem BUILDERS SUPPLIES "''''' HARDWARE AND PAINTS WOODWORKERS AND MILL WORK Phone the Lumber Number 564-5554 Sydrxey. IXo vev Scotidv A member of the BOLD organization Qualified Dispensers Always in Attendan OWL DRUG STORE D, I. MacDonald, Propo Jour Northside DOROTHY GRAY DISTRIBUTOR Convalescent and Sick Room Supplies Sales & Rental Drug Sundries and Cosmetics P.O.Box 125 794-3611 North Sydney ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Cape Breton's Magazine/22
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