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ISSUE : Issue 72
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1
500 Years of Cultural Sharing Mike Crimp with his son Gordon. From his base at Wreck Cove, Mike is one of Cape Breton's noted Greeters (in the tradition of George Bartlett). In honour .' ''' ', o,i997!Mikeis REFLECTIONS THE CABOT MEETINQ ? John Cabot! transcribed from House Parties & 78s The Cabot Hornpipe In This f I O OI I ' Below the tune, t''A'mmm dockwisefrom left: Jo Ann Gardner, Alba (see page 51); Anna & Richie Blufarb, North Sydney (page 59); Chief Lindsay Marshall (hold? ing Bria Francis), Chapel Island (20); Charles Burke, Louisbourg (13); Silver Donald Cameron, D'Escousse (39); Ash? ley Maclsaac, Creignish (21); Bill Marsh, New Waterford (1). And a nasturtium! by Winston Fitzgerald ilMK| NOl'SCOTIA Celebrate our
Cape Breton's Magazine