Page 6 - From Visits with Capt. Michael Tobin Coastal & Gulf Ferry Captain, Ret'd
ISSUE : Issue 73
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1998/6/1
dory. And the mate said to them, "My God, you're not going to take that in a dory!" "Oh yes, sir," he said. So they cleaned out the middle of the dory--just left room for a fellow to row up in the bow. And we swung out the puncheon of molasses. And when the dory went down, she had about five or six; inches free board, just above water. So the mate said to me, "Go up in the wheelhouse and get the glasses, and we'll see how they're going to get that out of the dory when they I get ashore!" So, he ??went in, and they I landed bow-first on I the beach. There was nice swell on. I Anyway,they took everything out--oars and thwarts and everything else. And they pushed the dory off. And the two of them turned her broadside to the beach. And they waited there about eight to ten min? utes, I would say. When they saw this sea coming, the two of them stood on the lee gunwale of the Discover l{iiSi0im Pdn a Day or a i/>'eekeh<' u;if h Great GuMes Discover Nova Scotia Guides are under $13.00 and are available at retailers throughout Nova Scotia. Along with other wonderful books by and about Nova Scotians. Nimbus . dory, and tipped her. And everything had to be timed to perfection. The sea hit her under the bottom. And the puncheon rolled out on the beach. And they came back with the straps. And I looked in the dory-- there wasn't a mark on her. Everything had to be to perfection. They knew just exactly what to do. You take a ton--you know what the size of a puncheon of molasses is--my God. The fellow's head was just over it. standing in the dory. And it rolled out as easy as if.... Now, I brought dozens of puncheons of molasses--I brought puncheons of molasses all over the coast--but we always landed on a dock, you know. They rolled it in. But how they were going to get it out on the beach, with nothing there but a wild beach with the sea rolling in. Couldn't believe it. One time we went down to Rose Blanche one evening. It was too bad to go in; there was a strong wind on. We went down to a little place just below it. And here was one of the paper boats anchored there, waiting to get to Port-aux-Basques. So I went down to the mess room for my sup? per, and when I came up, the water was alive with herring. So I called the boys and the cook. And they got a barrel hoop and tied an onion sack on and put a weight CAPE BRETON'S #1 SHOW PLACE FOR GREAT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT , THEATRE Union St. Glace Bay INTRODUCES. "DINNER THEATRE" ''''' IT IS. G*' ee-f' ??'''' .V*- '' l.??- - pjjLL NIGHT OF PLEASURE! '*'''', IN OUR NEWLY RENOVATED HISTORIC BUILDING BEGINNING THIS SUMMER... JOIN US FOR DINNER! Starting in July, the Savoy Theatre proudly presents the best musicians Cape Breton has to offer! Join us every Wednesday Night for: "Songs, Tales and Tunes' Si A DON'T FORGET OUR PRODUCTIONS ON OUR ji -' BEAUTIFUL MAIN STAGE W FOR CURRENT & UPCOMING EVENTS: (902) 842-1577
Cape Breton's Magazine