Page 10 - From Visits with Capt. Michael Tobin Coastal & Gulf Ferry Captain, Ret'd
ISSUE : Issue 73
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1998/6/1
Left: The Baccalleu at the dock in Newfoundland. Right: The Patrick Morris (1965-70) • the first container-carrier between Port-aux- Basques and North Sydney. She sanl( on April 20,1970, while answering a Mayday call from a fishing boat. Four officers died. or longer, to beat out the whale. And after you get him beat out, you'd pump him in alongside. Then you had to get and cut a hole and put the hose in him and fill him with air. And then they'd put a flag on him and go off and look for another. We had as high as three coming in in tow one time. We brought them into the factory in Rosiru. They'd skin them. Used the bone, they used everything. That's 1928. (Surely someone took photographs of those days.) No. I didn't have any. I had a photo of it but I left it home, I never brought it. There was seven or eight of us. In the whale's mouth. At the factory. When we pulled him up on slip his mouth was open. We got in, had our picture taken. (Rosiru) was just a whale factory. Nobody lived there. Just a crowd that worked at the factory. (Did you think of yourself as a whaler?) No. You know, I liked it while I was at it. But I got a job on the coastal boats that fall, then I left. 'Cause it was only in the summertime you'd do the whaling. (This was in 1927, Your Ideas ... Our Programs LETSGterTbWDRK At Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, we know that you and your ideas are our best resources. We have the tools to help you put your ideas to work. Whether your interest lies in the traditional industries or in a high-tech related business, we can and will help. It is time to combine your ideas and desire to accomplish something here at home with the resources at ECBC. Make your move, and with our assis -tance, make your mark on our area. Let's become partners for progress! Enterprise 'o ''' out how we can help, contact... Cape Breton Corporation Sydney: Commerce Tower, 4th Floor, 15 Dorchester Street, Sydney, N.S. BlP '7 Tel (902)564-3600 (BilingualserviceavailabU) • TTY: (902)564-3962 (r,Ucommunicati
Cape Breton's Magazine