Page 49 - Advert: Help Build the Trans-Canada Trail
ISSUE : Issue 73
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1998/6/1
HelD Build The Trans Canada llraJl Foundation, a non-profit, charitable oi'anization, is solely dedicated to making this great llrail a reality. The Trans Canada Trail will be a shared-use Trail accommo? dating five core activities: walking, cycling, horseback ridini cross-country skiing and snowmobiling (where possible/ desired). Working with local and community groups, the Trail will be planned and built according to local needs by a Trans Canada Trail Council in each Province and Territory. It will be one grand Trail made by and for all Canadians! You can join the thousands of Canadians and companies already committed to this magnificent concept. Put voiir name on a metre of Ttail forever! Each donation of $36 makes a metre of llrail happen. Each and every gift donation will be officially acknowledged by your name, the name of a friend or in remembrance of a loved one, or your company, school or organization, permanently imprinted in a Trail Pavilion in a Province/Territory of your choice. You will also receive a personalized Trail certificate, a crest and a tax receipt. , _' i CHRYSLER fCANADA n Canada Trust Maclean's TRANS CANADA TRAIL METRE DONATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) YES| I/We want to support the Trans Canada Trail and wish to donate $36 for each trail metre. NUMBER OF METRES: 3 x $36 = $108 Q ; 2 X $36 = $72 ; 1 x $36 = $36 Q ; x $36 = $ DONOR'S NAME 1 ADDRESS 1 CITY 1 ( ) TELEPHONE: HOME I/WE WISH TO MAKE MY/OUR DONATION BY: 1 CARD NUMBER 1 PROVINCE ( ) WORK CHEQUE VISAQ AFT. POSTAL CODE MASTERCARD EXPIRY DATE to be inscribed in Trail Pavilion and on trail certificate (max. 25 letters including spaces) Province/Territory where you wish name to appear in Trail Pavilion -1 __A J_ Please make cheque payable to: TRANS CANADA TRAIL FOUNDATION. Mail donation form(s) to the following address: 43 Westminster St., Montreal, Quebec H4X 1Y8 CITY PROVINCE POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE Material to be sent in: English Q French Q Relationship of donor to person inscribed in Trail Pavilion: Is this donation in memory ofa departed loved one? Yes Q No Q i'nra Fax:(514)485-4541 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] TO MAKE A TELEPHONE DONATION SIMPLY CALL: 1-800-465-3636
Cape Breton's Magazine