Page 56 - Love Letters from St. Pauls Island
ISSUE : Issue 73
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1998/6/1
rine to the following persons during September: W.T.F. Johnston, G. Phelps and L.P. Thurber, Canso; amateur certificates were issued to J. A. Mclntyre, St. Pauls Island. Directed Child Birth by Phone and Telegraph Unique means Adopted by Dr. Munroe (From Wednesday's Daily News) On May 3, 1923, a child was born to Mrs. Mclntyre, wife of one of the staff of St. Paul's light, while C.G.S. Stanley vjas rushing to North Sydney to pick up a doctor and C.G.S. Montcalm was trying to break through the ice barrier around the Island in time to bring the woman to North Sydney before the cru? cial time. Both mother and child are reported to be doing well. (From Saturday's Daily Edition) How the birth of the child born recently at the lonely lighthouse . on St. Paul's Island was di? rected medically over fifty Cape Breton A Warm Welcome Awaits You in HISTORIC LOUISBOURG Cape Breton, N.S. at the Bed &Breakfast; Home of Mrs. Greta Cross 48 Pepperell St. • (902) 733-2833 e-mail: [email protected] /capsite/GRETA.HTML COMFORTABLE ROOMS FULL BREAKFAST • HOME COOKING KITCHEN & LAUNDRY PRIVILEGES AMPLE PARKING SPACE OFF MAIN STREET QUIET AREA • SCENIC VIEW Double; $45.00 ? Single; $35.00 ( CHILDREN WELCOME ) Bienvenue! Ciad Mile Failte! miles of telegraph and tele? phone wire and cable was told here today by one of the members of the St. Paul's lifeguard station who acted as medicine courier during the confinement of Mrs. Mc? lntyre, wife of one of the staff of St. Paul's lighthous? es, this week. After the efforts of the government ice breakers Stanley and Montcalm failed on account of ice conditions to bring medical assistance to the woman, the services of Dr. Munroe of Neil's Har? bor, were secured. Dr. Mun? roe directed the progress of the case from the govern? ment telegraph station at Neil's Harbor on the informa- CHRYSLER I Oodge Jeep • Sales • Service • Parts • Leasing • Auto Body Repair 539-2280 TOLL FREE PARTS LINE 1-800-665-5821 325 Welton St. Sydney tion sent to him from the lighthouse and the messages were relayed through Bay St. Lawrence, where the telegram was telephoned to the St. Paul's life station and passed on through another telephone line to the light house or the system reversed for messages outgoing. Three women, the only others besides Mrs. Mclntyre, on the Island, carried out the doctors directions. The government maintains a medicine chest at the south west light house, three miles from where the birth took place, and one of the lifesaving crew was pressed into service to bring back the various medicines and supplies as they were prescribed by the doctor. The distance from Neil's Harbour to Bay St. Lawrence is about twenty-five miles by telegraph, from the latter to St. Paul's life saving station about twenty miles, and from there to the light house three miles and between the two light houses, three miles. There are cases on record of medical advice being given by wire? less, but this is the first case on record where surgical advice has been given by telegraph and telephone under such peculiar circumstances. Mrs. John A. Mclntyre 27 Argyle St., Sydney, N.S. Sept 10, 1923 Hello Honey, I suppose you are having a high old time and poor me hear all by my lonesome. This is the first time in my life I was realy and truly lonesome. I miss you and the baby terribly. For gracious sake dont miss the boat or III be going in there with you. You can picture this place when I got home. The boys never swept the house since I left and every dish and pan was full of milk. I havent seen an egg since I came home they cleaned out the nests. Nest eggs and all and the hens are laying in the woods. Vooghts order arrived all right and the cook was up from the wireless station. He baked a couple of pans of biscuits and four pies, so I am living high. I fixed the crib up as if the baby was in it and it keeps me compa? ny in the night. By the way, I was in to see Father McAdam, had a long talk with him. The Stuart promised to wire you from Baddeck when the Stella is coming. I gave him the address. I bought a creamer and strainer pail. I forgot to get a dish basin. If you ar taking the organ down with you, put it in care of Forbes Transfer, and they will take it from the ferry warf. Now honey dont hesitate to draw money from your account for you can return it by first mail. I would send you a cheque only it might not get to you in time for I am not sure you will get this letter before you leave. And you might drop in to Vooghts store and order four bushels of potatoes and some ham when you ar coming if you have time. I hope you might coax Toby [possibly Toby is their dog] to come with you for I hat to have you traveling alone. Fallon, one of the wire- Home ??Auto • Commercial • Travel Boats • Farms • Blue Cross Motorhomes • Motorcycles ??i • i., • d?d...??..B..k?? RRSP • Alarms Discounts o.,.v • B=. SENIORS DISCOUNTS (over age 50) 676 George St., Sydney Main St., St. Peters' 562-1988 535-3223 Comratulations on your 25th Anniversary! MAPLE HILL MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED New Waterford, N.S. 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