Page 59 - Love Letters from St. Pauls Island
ISSUE : Issue 73
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1998/6/1
Your letter was most welcome altho I got your message. I was still anxious about you and wanted to hear all about the trip. I am glad you are having a good rest in the morning. Take it while you have the chance. I sleep like a rock those days. Sandy slept till 7 this morning and he went to sleep at 12 today and is in bed yet at two. I'll soon hear him hollering. The Laurier got hear 20th and was around for four days landing supplys and lumber for dwelling and power house for the D.F. Goad and another man named Colter is in chrge. They have about 15 men. Mr. McLeod and his wife went ashore on Laurier. They landed at Bay St. Lawrence. The new maid came day before yesterday. Code and Colter ar staying at McLeods and the rest in the old house. Col? ter wanted me to paint the whistle house for him and lay the new floors in my spare time. I was ready to start when I happended to ask him wat he's going to pay me he sayed that in view of the fact that I was allready in Gov. employment the best he could do was 25 cents an hour. They are paying the other men 35 and board. Of course I told him to do his own work. About Mary Ann and Simon I don't know there address but I went up on the avenue car, away up near the hospital and they live on a side st and I dont know of anybody that could tell you unless you ask Mary Mick. By the time I herd from her it would be to late. Your loving husband John A., St. Pauls Island Jan 19th 1927 Dear Honey, This is another night and still no boat, but they got word at the cove that the Laurier was leaving North Sydney at 12 tonight and would likely be here early in the morning. It is blowing from the south east now and if the sea dont go down or the wind changes they will be unable to land tomorow. But they have passengers on board and perhaps they will land them on the North Side. All I am anxious about is geting your letters for I am expecting half a dozen at least. When I get them I dont care if they never land the coal. I finished writing the last letter at 5 o'clock this morning and now it is 9 o'clock at night. I slept til 2 this evening, got up and fryed some ham and potatoes. Had a good feed. By the time I had the dishes washed, McDoogal came and ate wat was left in the frying pan and then he went home to supper. He says the grub is miserable down there and that he can hardly eat it. Then I put up the light and swept the house, fixed things up in general. I am busy all the time between the light and the house work there is not much time to spare. Well honey I hoap yu will be able to write and let me know all about Lillian and if you had a hard time and iFtttttral 3'cimt 84 Main St. • Sydney Mines 736-8701 Bob Francis • 736-3419 'Tour Generations of Service" ' NOW AT 616 Keltic Drive SYDNEY Motor Cycle Shop 539-7644 • 539-1730 if the Dr. got in in time and ware you in the hospital and how did you get there. I want to know all about it but I suppose you are not able to write in time for this boat. I'll have to have patience till you come home yourself. Well dear its nearly one o'clock now and I just finished tea and washed up. It is still blowing and getting very foggy. I hoap that darn boat will get here tomorrow for honey I am longing to hear frome you. Just think dear I havent heard from you only by telegram since you left here Nov. 22 and this is Jan 20. Two long months without seeing you or getting a letter and you had to go through so much during that time. Well honey I suppose you ware surprised to get my telegram asking for socks and underclothes. The fact is when you stopped patching my socks and underwear they fell to pieces like the old one horse shay. There was nothing left of the original and the patches fel of. So I gave it up for a bad job. I would love to see the kiddies. I suppose they are after forgetting poor old daddy. I guess Sandy and Margret will be a little bigger when they come back. Be sure and keep them outside as much as possable. If they ar well clothed the coald will never hurt them and have them with other kids if there are any around for they will be alone here a long time and I would like to have them get used to oth? er children and they will learn to play better. I am sorry I did not order another bbl of flour for we will be short before the next supply boat but we can get it out on the skiffs in the spring. Jameison and the folks at the cove ordered there meat on the supply boat and I refused to take the quarter from Jameison for I was sure it would spoil. They ware sore but I didnt give a darn. I was not going to pay for it when I was sure it wouldent keep. And I believe they lost most of it any way. They salted it. I had some of it for dinner at Gords and it tasted like rags. Well honey I want you to get a lot of nice clothes and things for yourself before you come out. And be sure you dont start working to soon and drag the heart out of your self before you get strong again, besides nursing the baby. You should have your daily walk in the fresh air. Remember that it will be a good investment for you to hire some help. It may save you a lot of suffering later on and perhaps Drs bills besides. Honey I love you and it hurts me to see you so tired FOREMAN* 400 • THE FUTURE OF ATVs • Super-low first gear • 5-speed transmission with reverse I • 395cc single-cylinder air-cooled 4-stroke engine Emerald Iste j| s & Gallery NEW & UNIQUE GIFT ITEMS Largest selection of Katherine Karnes Munn on Cape Breton Ty Beanie Babies • New and Retired Pieces Gullery' The Latest in Home Decor Items • Prints, Lamps, Mirrors & Accent Furniture Fine Giftware: Candles • Souvenirs • Seagull Pewter • CoUectables - SEE IT FIRST AT EMERALD ISLE - Mayflower Mall 567-6877 OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M.
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