Page 70 - Baboushka and the Three Kings
ISSUE : Issue 73
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1998/6/1
Baboushka and the Three A Children's Story, Re-Told in Gaelic by Erika MacEachem This is the story of Baboushka and of the Three Kings who passed her way on their journey through the cold night to take gifts to the newborn Christ. They invited her to join them, even guide them, but "the cold wind came inside" and she had work to do around the house. So the Three Kings continued on. Later, alone by her fire, its "warmth crept into her heart" and she re? alized that she, too, wanted to take gifts to the Baby. But she could not find their tracks; and, apparently, she alone had seen the Three Kings. They say that each year Bridget seeks the Ba? by "with new hope in her heart" (as it says in the Gaelic). "They say that the children wait for Bridget and for the little valuable gifts that she leaves them in the quiet of the night." A children's book in English, this Gaelic translation was sent to us by Effie Rankin of Mabou. It is the work of her student, Erika MacEachem, of whom Effie has written: "What impressed me about it at first was that she captured the essence and spirit of the original • not as a learner normally does, but with a rare intuitive skill." Brld agus na Tri Rlghrean O chionn fhada is fada fad' air falbh, air feasgar geamhraidh, sheid a' ghaoth fhuar mun cuairt air bothan beag. Anns a' bhothan, bha Bnd a' sguradh is a' sguabadh, agus a' cumail connaidh ris an teine. Ged a bha an saoghal fuar a-muigh, bha an t-seana bhean so- na ri taobh na cagailt. Thainig an oidhche, agus chuala Bnd fuaim nam pioban. Bha sluagh mor a' dliithachadh. Air beu- laibh an t-sluaigh, bha tri daoine le cotaichean ei- Natures Resources Nature's Resources magazine is published three times a year: January, May and September Articles cover forestry, minerals, parks and wildlife topics. Drop by your 'f'> 1'5''"' local Department of Natural Resources or Access Nova Scotia office for a free copy of Nature's Resources magazine. For home delivery, the cost for 3 issues is $5.75 (in Canada) __t'_. Make cheque payable to. Department of Natural TWf??V?%y'ffYlTTA Resources, Natural Resources P.O. Box 68, Truro, N.S. B2N 5B8. ': Aylo Paris Phn reachdail orra • raadh, gorm, agus buidhe. Bha daoine ann air eich, agus daoine a' coiseachd as an deaghaidh. Chuala Bnd gnog aig an doras. Nuair a dh'fhosgail i an doras, chun? naic i triiiir choigreach. Ghabh an t-seana bhean bhochd iongnadh dhe na cotaichean alainn aca. Thuirt aon de 'n triuir: "Tha sinn air a bhith a' leantuinn rionnag shoilleir a dh'aite far am bi Naoidhean air a bhreith. A- nis, tha sinn air chall anns an t-sneachd. Thig comhla ruinn, a Bhrid, agus cuidich leinn a' sireadh an Leanaibh agus a' toirt thiodhlagan Thuige." Thainig a' ghaoth fhuar a-staigh, agus flirea- gair Brid: "A ridirean coire, thigibh a-staigh is blathaichibh sibh p-fhein ri taobh an teine; tha obair ag? am ri dheanamh fhathast. Bi- thidh a' mhadainn nas fhearr nan oidhche; fuirichibh an- seo a-nochd agus theid mi comhla mibh a-maireach." "Chan eil uine gu leor ann, a Bhrid," thuirt na coigrich. "Mur a tig thu comhla ruinn a-nis, feumaidh sinn leantail air ar cuairt." SAF-WAY AUTO PARTS LIMITED AUTOMOTIVE - INDUSTRIALl BODY SHOP SUPPUES SYDNEY 361 GEORGE NEW WATERFORD 45610THST. 539-99701862-6491 539-0707 Fax 539-9741 TOLL FREE 1-800-565-5044 Experience The Delta Difference Sydney's First Class Accommodation At Affordable Rates 1 .J Waterfront location, in the heart of Downtown Sydney, I adjacent to the City Hall, 3 blocks from Centre 200 and | the Sheraton Casino Sydney. A 152 Harbourview Guest Rooms. A Indoor Pool & Fitness Centre. A Exciting 55' Water Slide. A Continental & Maritime Cuisine. a Children's Menus & Prices, Kids 6 & under EAT FREE.! Delta's Got You Covered in Atlantic Canada DellaSydney I Delta Hotels & Resorts 300 Esplanade, Sydney, N.S. BIP 1A7 (902) 562-7500 ToU Free Reservations Canada 1-800-268-U33 U.SA. 1-800-877-1133 70
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