Page 78 - Advert: Tim Hortons
ISSUE : Issue 73
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1998/6/1
Even Timber and Tyler know Good Quality! "I always take them in the back of the truck when I go to Tim Hortons," Denise Coadic told us. She'd get her coffee and the dogs would get a Timbit treat. If she was going somewhere else, she some? times left the dogs at home. One morning when Denise went to get her coffee, the staff at Tim Hortons told her, "Your dogs were here yesterday. Alone! They stood in line. When the cars moved, they moved. When the cars stopped, they stopped. When they got to the window they jumped up and got their Timbits • and they went home." A couple days lat? er, the same thing happened again. "They got mad at me for not taking them in the truck," Denise explained, "so they decid? ed to go get a Timbit without me." We had to see this ourselves. So we met Denise, Timber and Tyler at Tim Hortons, Welton Street (Sydney, N.S.). Sure enough, the dogs got in line and went to the win? dow. They were cour? teous, they didn't bark • and they got excellent The coffee you can count on." fwitdfti.
Cape Breton's Magazine