Page 14 - Memories of Lillian Crewe Walsh
ISSUE : Issue 74
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1
Susan Emma Pynn Back along the years I look. Maybe I should not tell, spent nights away from home When mother wasn't well. But memory's gentle Hngers Lead me back to Susan Pynn; see again the feather bed Where we used to cuddle in. She wore a bright pink nightgown Made out of flannelette, A great big puffy furbelow Went all around her neck; A frilly, snowy, cotton cap Tied underneath her chin • Sometimes she'd let me try it on Before we cuddled in. My dear old friend had troubles That outsiders never knew; Besides an ingrown toenail She had a com or two; A bunion on her toe-joint Tormented Susan Pynn • Sometimes she had to soak her feet Before we cuddled in. We had a Brayley's Almanac, But I couldn't read so well • Words I didn't know myself Poor Susan couldn't tell. We staggered through the symptoms And ills of all mankind. But remedies for Susan's feet We students could not find. "There baint not ghosts nor fairies, child," My dear old friend would say, "But storks, them birds be mighty queer, They pop out night or day." More than once it happened While I slept with Susan Pynn, The stork would visit our house' And pop a baby in. How well do I remember When the measles went around • I was the sickest little maid In all the little town. She rubbed me well with liniment And gave me bread and gin • I owed my cure of measles To Susan Emma Pynn. Down in the little churchyard. Close down by the sea. Sleep many of my childhood friends That were so dear to me. As I stood beside the grave Of Susan Emma Pynn, The pretty daisies whispered "She is safely cuddled in." Your Ideas .. .Our Programs I'rrsGET'IbW)RK At Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, we know that you and your ideas are our best resources. We have the tools to help you put your ideas to worlc. Whether your interest lies in the traditional industries or in a high-tech related business, we can and will help. It is time to combine your ideas and desire to accomplish something here at home with the resources at ECBC. Make your move, and with our assis -tance, make your mark on our area. Let's become partners for progress! Enterprise '' ''' ''' ''"' '' ''' hdp, contact... Cape Breton Corporation Sydney: Commerce Tower. 4th Floor. 15 Dorchester Street, Sydney, N.S BlP 6T7 Tel: (902) 564-3600 (Bilingual service available) • TTY: (902) 564-3962 (TeUcommu, Port Hawkesbury: 32 Paint Street, Port Hawkesbury Light Industrial Park, NS B0E2V0 TeL (902) 625-3111 TollFree in N.S. andP.E.1.1-800-705-3926 anything • it wouldn't make any difference • as long as he would do something with it. She never wanted money for it • as long as you did something with it. That was Aunt Lil. She would have been exactly the same with you. Would have been the type that she would like to come in and talk by the hour. She was a great one for playing cards. In the daytime you'd go down, and you know people would go shopping in Glace Bay on Commercial Street. Well, all they had to do was go down through to Brodie Avenue. All they had to do was go down through sort of by the alleyway between the bank and here they'd be practically at Aunt Lil's store. So, Ernest Walsh (her second husband) liked a game of crib, cribbage. They never played for money, but played Auction 45. In the afternoon • we used to think this was funny, you know--for Aunt Lilly to have about six people sitting around the dining room table, having a game of Auc? tion. No prize, no money, nothing--but had a great game of Auction. I'll tell you a funny thing that she was telling me one time. Now Aunt Lilly would walk up to what they called the Maritime Meat Market, and she would have to pass by the Fire Hall. And she knew the firemen, she knew the mayor, she knew everybody in Glace Bay. So sometimes in this Fire Hall three or four of the men would be sitting down talk? ing. And she would be passing by, and she'd stop and talk. And one of them said--I guess it would be the mayor-- said, "The brains of the town are here to? day. " And when he said it, she said back, "Well, you shouldn't be sitting down on them!" (Laugrhter.) She said it came out of her. She walked up, she said, to the store and she thought. What a thing to say! But she was grinning to herself. She said, "Well, you shouldn't be sitting ns Device for the Deaf) Can' Gas Tank Replacements & Repairs For Personal Efficient Service: Call 539-2122 Sydney Radiator New Heaters & Radiators or Repairs We Service and Ship 1 21 Prince Street, Sydney Anywhere on cape Breton Island 20 Years a Family Business 2 Years Warranty on All Parts * We Accept VISA & MASTERCARD
Cape Breton's Magazine