Page 31 - Joe MacNeil tells a Wonderful Story: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
ISSUE : Issue 16
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/6/1
Ach dh'fhalbh e a null air a shocair 's fhuair e 'n cothram. Tharraing e srac 's chuir e a dha dhe na cinn bharr an fhuamh? aire agus thuit am fuamhaire gu lar. "Am bas OS do chionn," ors' esan, "gu de t'eirig?" "Cha bheag sin, mata. Tha," ors' esan, "each briagh, geal agus is coingeis leis a bhi air talamh neo as an iarmailt a' falbho Agus tha deise ridire," ors' esan, "air dath geal agus freagraidh i air aon sam bith a chuireas air io Agus sin agad," ors' esan, "m'eirig agus tha e thall anns an stabullo" "Bidh sin agam," ors' esan, "agus do bheatha." Agus chuir e as dha'n fhuamhaire, agus am feasgar thill e dhachaidh leis a' cjirodh. Cha robh de shoithichean aca air a' rioghachd a chumadh na bha de bhainne aig a' chrodh am feasgar 'bha 'sin--bha iad ann an aite 'sa robh an criomadh cho beairteach buileach. Ach co-dhiubh dh'fhalbh e leis a' chrodh • tha mi cinnteach gur ann air la'r-na- mhaireach thog e rith' • agus bha e 'fas cho sanntach, bha e 'dol na b'fhaide air 'n aghaidh agus rainig e aite an lath' 'bha 'seo agus 'nuair a dh'fhosgail e a' cha? chaileith 's a leig e astaigh an crodh dha ?n aite 'bha 'sin cha'n fhac' e riamh a leithid de dh'aite airson spreidh a bheath- achadh. Ach cha robh e fad' an sin 'nuair a chual' e fuaim a bha neonach, agus nochd "Come over here then," he said, "and take this cowo If you had cared about them you would have kept them out of here." He walked over at his leisure and he saw his chance. He gave a stroke and took two of the heads off the giant and the giant fell to the ground. "Death is above you," said he, "what is your ransom?" "No small thing," he replied. "A fine, white horse, and it makes no difference to him whether he travels on the earth or in the sky. And a knight's suit of armor, white in color, which fits anyone who ' puts it ono There yoti have my ransom and it's, over in the stable." "I'll have that and your life as well." And he slew the giant and returned home that evening with the cattle. There were not enough containers in the entire king? dom to hold all the milk that the cows gave that evening, for they had been in a place v/here the grazing was altogether so rich. In any case he set out ivith the cattle • I'm certain that he took off on the next day • and he was growing so greedy that he kept going on farther. That day he reached another place, and when he opened the gate and let the cattle-in, he had never before seen a place that was equal to it for feeding cattle. But he had not been there Celtic 'odge... right on your doorstep! Why not do something different for a change and come to Keltic Lodge, Ingonish Beach? Come to Keltic for dinner or lunch and enjoy superb cuisine in a setting unsurpassed. Keltic Lodge in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park is adjacent to a superb 18 hole championship golf course, tennis courts and long sandy beaches. Keltic, open from June 12 through October 10, has everything for a perfect holi? day, be it a day's trip, a weekend or longer. It??s easy driving too. For reservations and rates, call manager Herman Falls at 1-285-2880 or write him at Keltic Lodg', Ingonish Beach, Victoria Coimty, N,S., HOC IMO. '. OBIT TELEVISION C BO Channefe 2,5'73,10,12, HAS IT ALL and 13 in Cape Breton % CBIRADD 1140on your Dial in Cape Breton
Cape Breton's Magazine