Page 65 - Cape Breton's Magazine CENTRE for Documentary Field Studies: Yvonne McInnes Sturgess, in Waipu
ISSUE : Issue 74
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1
Whereas they would attend the church and were good church people, they were not what they called, what we call, Normanites. The Mclnneses had their farm (in Cape Bre? ton) , their grant of land (near Rev. Nor? man) , Big Glen--but they worked his land, and gave all their labour free to him. The same way he gave all his labour free. He never charged for his services.... I think being the oldest granddaughter, I didn't realize how much I was getting, you know, from the old people. But I was just thinking, I'm 75, and I would say I've missed (only) six New Year's Day Gathering of the Clans. And yet we lived in and keep (juiet. So I think we probeJsly absorbed more than we realized. And one of the first things that impressed me in Nova Sco? tia, and my sister Joanna, we said, "Now, those young people sat there from about eight o'clock on to two or three o'clock in the morning. And they were listening to every word." I mean to say, we had fun emd games, but they just didn't want their own thing, their own music. I suppose that's very much vAiat we did grow up with.... Janet CampbelL 1826-1907. Passenger on the Gertrude. Married Alexander "Shoemak? er" McKenzie. It was rather interesting, I was looking at the book (that told) about Mary McBain Auckland by the time I was eight. But we would Alexander Cameron. 1820-1890. neve r mi s s Passenger on the Spray Mar- ''''. ''' 'f ried Catherine McDonald. course we would hear the stories. And those were the days that I found very similar to what I found in Nova Scotia. I was in Baddeck and there was an evening together of the MacLeods and the Maclnnises. And we had a lovely ceilidh at Roberts', Eddie Rob? erts ' . But what reminded me of how impressed I was there that the young people sat around and listened. In New Zealand they had already got into the modem hed'it of doing their own thing. But in my generation we did sit around euid we did have to listen photographer Warren Gordon Gordon Photographic Ltd. 367 Charlotte Street, Sydney, N.S. B1P 1 El • (902) 564-5665 • 2000 CAPE BRETON CALENDAR IS HERE! Great Stuff 1 f see do & enjoy at the Nova Scotia Museum 1 Museum of Natural History 2 Maritime Museum of the Atlantic 3 Ross Farm Museum 4 Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic 5 Wile Carding Mill 6 Perkins House 7 Ross-Thomson House and Store 8 The Dory Shop 9 Barrington Woolen Mill 10 Old Meeting House 11 Firefighters' Museum 12 North Hills Museum 13 Prescott House 14 Haliburton House 15 Shand House 16 Uniacke Estate Museum Park 17 Lawrence House 18 Fundy Geological Museum 19 Balmoral Grist Mill 20 Sutherland Steam Mill McGuUoch House 22 Museum of Industry 23 Gossit House 24 Sherbrooke Village 25 Fisherman's Life Museum NOVA SCOTIA MUSEUM A FAMILY of 2$ MUSEUMS Browse and shop at phop in most locations
Cape Breton's Magazine