Page 88 - With George Prosser of Whitney Pier
ISSUE : Issue 74
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1
point. That was fenced off. There was a building there for them. I used to take guys over there. You had to once in a while, you know. Like a guy we had locked up in the cell block. Our barracks was over here, down the Esplanade in them days, where the Government Wharf is now--a cell block there. Once you get it filled up, you had to take them over Point Ed? ward. That's the only (reason) I went. To I take them over I there we used I to have a har- I hour craft to I go over and I come back. I I never went I ashore there. Lenny Gallant Jennifer Roland Kintyre AND MANY MORE TERRIFIC CAPE BRETON AND CELTIC GROUPS! I was in eJsout six months after the war ended, wait? ing to clear eveiYthing up. We had that base over in Point Edward. I got shipped over there and looked after the cell block over there. They had a few fel? las locked up over there. Then I come out. Sunday, Aug. 15 1 to 6 p.m. at BEN EOIN SKI SLOPE 20 km. west of Sydney on Highway 4 Great Family Entertainment CANTEEN FACILITIES • REFRESHMENT TENT SKI LIFTINOPERATION! Check out Ben Eoin's Millenium Season Ski Pass CANADA SELECT I worked over there for a winter I suppose. The fella that was over there, he was a Li? mey, too. Limeys I called them. He was a four-ringer, and he was married to a girl here in the Pier. I was shipmates with him. I knew him pretty well. So I said to him one day, "Gee, what about getting me a job?" He said, "I'll give you a dockyard bosun's job." So I got the dockyard bosiin's job • and I worked over there for a year or so, I think. Twenty-five dollars a week. (What did a dockyard bosun do?) A dockyard bosun was the same as a bosun on a ship. He controls all the splice wire and rope. You had three or four guys with you doing it and you were the boss, show them what to do and that. That was my job on the ship. (Then) the Louisbourg, down there--I knew the ship master • the Louisbourg wanted a chipper (a carpenter) and I said what the hell. I went over and they took my name and called me one evening, so I joined the Louisbourg and went back to sea again. They gave me the bosun's job. (Then) I come ashore and joined the Steel Plant. I went on the Steel Plant, laid off back and forth. I got on the Plant right after the war, say six months after the war--1947, something like that. But I nev? er held a job there. I was off and on, back and forth. Every winter they'd get a layoff there. I'd be one of the first guys to get laid off. Seniority. So I would just go to sea. The last ship I was on was the Gander Bay. The company had her chartered running coal down to St. John's, Newfoundland, and all over the place. I stayed on her till March • then I busted my hand in the rigging. A spur hit me and just about took the finger off. I had a piece took out of my leg and grafted in there. I didn't go to 'The Inn with the View" ' 'DiAch. Cove. Inn On the Cabot Trail fresh seafood _ _ III and home cook Margaree Harbour • ea,vacatio, Nova Scotia BOE 280 headquarter' Phone (902) 235-2658 Re?"v'f/tmotn? 1-800-565-9993 Fax (902) 235-2592 Th Proud to be part of the Cape Breton community. Our employees support many worthwhile causes and organizations, including: • Electrical safety demonstrations in the school • Youth sporting events, like the Coal Bowl basketball tournament • Junior Achievement programs, including the Economics of Staying in School And, through our partnership with the IWK-Grace, we'll soon be visiting a community near you with the Nova Scotia Power Children's Safety House. NOVA SCOTIA
Cape Breton's Magazine