Page 92 - With George Prosser of Whitney Pier
ISSUE : Issue 74
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1
tack. You know what hardtack is? Hard bread. You take that, soak it in the water and eat it. But you were to get one meal a day. Newfound? land was English then. They done away with the cat-o'- nine-tails. They had that over there too, but I didn't get that' • but I got hard bread and cold water. I lived off of that, and like I tell you, a bucket (to do your business in), and drink water out of and wash your face and hands. One bucket, and there was no running water. In them days they'd dress you up with a suit, black on one side, white on the other, and lead you from there down to get a couple of buckets of water. Two cops. Adeline: When they were rumrunning on the Melita Jane, his mother used to stand on the shore and let them know when it was safe to come in. George: In them days the old women used to wear them white nightgowns. We'd come in two or three o'clock in the morning and she'd be down standing on a rock, tell us where the cops was to, where they wasn't to I owned a house (in Newfoundland) and piece of land down there, had a garden. More from the Family Album: George and his wife Emma fool? ing around in the kitchen; and at their 50th wed? ding anniver? sary. Far right: George holding the twins, his great-grand? daughters Meghan and grew our own vegetables and so on. I sold it for four hundred and fifty dollars, to get over here. You had to go through (Ca? nadian) immigration over here to get in (from Newfoundland). You had to have so much money to get through the immigration. The Canadians were strict, too. To come over here you had to make sure you could look after yourself or you couldn't get ashore. So this is how I got ashore. I sold everything and I had money enough to get through immigration. And once you got ashore here you had to make sure that you didn't go over to city hall and ask for pogey. If you did, yOu get shipped back to Newfoundland. You had to be independent-- The Salty Mariner 's Motel &flnn; Home of TIN PAN GAT J.FY RESTAURANT Located on the world-famoiis Cabot Trail Pleasant Bay, Cape Breton Island Recommended by: ''Travd &'JLdsttrt! Mtt'asme "Frommer's Guide to Atlantic Canada, t99T, W, '' "Where to Eat in Canada, 1997, '98, '99' 'Taste cfNmm Se&tia; " - Located onT'ei:'<'_c?|m Frpnt Acrej&'C-g'! Come ExjpWre MUest'f Undisturbed.psastlfiiie p TekjprK'anel (902) 22f-|400 www.saltymarin'a' lisrapci''
Cape Breton's Magazine