Inside Back Cover - Advert: St. Ann's Gaelic College
ISSUE : Issue 74
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1
Open 7 Days a Week GREAT HALL OF THE CLANS MUSEUM CRAFT SHOP (including books & music, local crafts, tartans, Scottish imports, kilts, musical instruments & supplies and much more) DUTY PIPER WEEKDAY CEILIDHS ICE CREAM TEA OATCAKES WALKING TRAILS PICNIC TABLES Clje ??aettc College d Celtic Sttsr ?? Crato 3Sote Scotia ??aelit Jfloir August 7 and 8, 1999 Traditional Gaelic Mod Gaelic Competitions Milling Frolic Workshops & Demonstrations Concerts 2Q' ftnM Ol Cape 3vmn fiMng August 20 ~ 22, 1999 The Cape Breton Fiddlers' Association celebrates its 26"' festival with concerts, square dances and workshops. Featuring the best in local and international talent. Bummer • tiM} Series Every Wednesday Night during July and August At the Gaelic College Performers for 1999 include Buddy MacMaster Jerry Holland Slainte Mhath Glen Graham & Rodney MacDonald Kilt Cyril MacPhee & Brakin' Tradition Kendra & Troy MacGillivray Buddy MacDonald John Allan Cameron Jennifer Roland Summer School Courses (youth & adult) in Cape Breton & Scottish traditional disciplines: • Accordion 'Bagpipe Music 'Cape Breton Fiddle 'Highland Dance • Cape Breton Step Dance 'Celtic Harp • Pipeband Drumming & Bodhran • Gaelic Language & Song 'History & Culture 'Piano Accompaniment • Scottish Country Dance 'Scottish Small Pipes 'Weaving & Spinning Celtic (Exploration? A WEEK OF ... Lectures by musicians, historians and authorities on such topics as the Gaelic language, fiddle and pipe music of Cape Breton, Norman McLeod's migration from Cape Breton to New Zealand, traditional textiles, and the Harvest Excursions of the '30s. Arrive Saturday, October 9, headquarter at the College till Sunday morning, October 17. Fees include on-site room and board, lectures, field trips, a natural history tour of St. Ann's Bay, a one-day trip around the Cabot Trail, and the 3"' Annual Celtic Colours International Festival Opening Concert. For more information, contact the College. Box 9, Baddeck, N.S. BOE 1B0 • PHONE (902) 295-3411 * FAX 295-2912 * E-MAIL [email protected] ton'' leo' '''S.e''.'' ,ngV' >tw-''' obo''r.ied'A- >h5e' . l'oV c'e' >c''' .'& >oce ,ce9'' co'' ,roe sWV'' ''o> UCCB Select A Seat outlets are: J; THEATRE Boardmore Playhouse The Savoy Theatre Centre 200
Cape Breton's Magazine