Page 11 - Stories about Buried Treasure
ISSUE : Issue 17
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1
took him in, kept him overnight. The next morning he told my grajidmother what had hap? pened • and he took her through the woods to that place, and he showed her and he told her, "Ever that you want that, you know where it's at." My father was very young then. They moved away from that area. Many years afterward my father used to go to it. And it was vines that covered it, beach stones and birchbark • many's the time I can remember him telling it • and it just lift up like nothing. It was down in a V. They were very superstitious people. They believed, you know, so much blood was shed, that it was blood money. And he never never would touch it. And as my brothers grew up, he used to tel*L them, "Anytime that you want, if you dare, you take it • but I don't know what the outcome would be." So many's the time my brothers decided to go, and take it. But they never would. They felt that if they did, bad luck was with them. So it's still there. Now I myself, I've been down twice • I know the exact spot • that's over 105 years ago. There's a lot of trees on it. You'd have to go in by boat. Many people have been down there. There's lots of holes dug. Even a priest he went down there with another guy • they were close to it. Not close enough. People from Sydney. People have come to my father • some Jewish people • we'll split it • my father would nev? er go up with them. But they're very close to it. When you get on the spot where it's at, you see three headlands • and only on that area can you see the three headlands, down on that coast. (Why do they call it Jordan's?) That was the name of the cabin boy, was Jordan. (Are you frightened about it?) I have my doubts about it. I'm not that brave about it, because there's a lot of men died over it. Robert Fitzgerald, Dingwall: It was fairly common. There was nobody in the community that didn't know about Jordan's money. The version that I have of it is the one told to me by old Angus Macintosh. He claimed that he had seen the map of it. That this old gentleman that he knew was in a sailors' home in New York--that's well over 100 years ago • because he stayed with me and died with me, Angus did • and he was 86 or 87 when he died • and that's 25 years ago. He said that the map the old chap had • he had been cabin boy • and he said that it showed where the vessel had gone ashore, that it was a big English ship, came over here in the fall, and she was under command of Capt. Jordan. He put the men on St. Paul's Island for to secure wood and water for them • and came on a snowstorm. And it was only the mate and Capt. Jordan and the cabin boy left aboard • all the rest went ashore. Struck a gale of wind, northeaster, blinding snow, and there was nobody aboard to handle the ship and she just drove away, drove before the hurricane. And if you're at St. Paul's Island and if you have northeast wind and you're running "iA Quality Shop'k k America, Master Charge Credit Card Open Daily 9:00 a.m. tO 9.00 p.m. Phone 295-2786 Purchases mailed anywhere in the world. LOCATED IN BADDECK, NOVA SCOTIA Cape Breton hooked rugs Eskimo soapstone carvings Nova Scotia pottery by the Lorenzens Shetland sv /eaters 100% wool campers jackets Tartan materials, kilt skirts and suits AVIS Rent a Car Try Our Weekend Special $9.95 from Friday Noon to Monday 9 A.M. 9C a mile 564-8341 / 564-8265 WE TRY HARDER TROPICANA Restaurant &Lounge; ROmi'MA STDNSr SHOPPINS MALL PriiDce St reet 9 Sydney Restaurant Hours 11 AM - 10 PM Lounge Hours 11 AM - 1 AM TOP BANDS NIGHTiy
Cape Breton's Magazine