Page 13 - Stories about Buried Treasure
ISSUE : Issue 17
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1
part of the country, got material, built buildings, and set up a business for himself. Then he took his family and from that day on, he was a big businessman, and did well, and his descendants did well. The stoty al? ways was that he plowed out a treasure • let's put it this way, a pot of gold • and it set him up for the rest of his life. Another one such as that in Polletts Cove. Two brothers in Polletts Cove supposedly lived there. They were only just poor fish? ermen. They had a cow and a horse • at one time 8 or 9 families lived there, you know that's on this side of Pleasant Bay • you know where it is. So, they used to do a little farming. One time, all of a sudden, one of the fellows left, was gone for sev? eral weeks, came back and got his wife and family and other brother and family • and wailked off and left their cattle and place and whatever they had to their neighbours, and went off and set up a big clothing busi? ness in New Glasgow or Truro • I don't know which. People say there was no other way that they could do it. They evidently found buried treasure. Charlie MacNeil, Chimney Corner: There used to be stories I'd hear from time to time, things like forerunners they'd see. They'd see like dishes buried different places. Copper maybe. Could be boxes. Saw a vision of it. (Did your father ever see anything?) No. My aunt did. She saw a crate, a metal box down by the seashore. There's a brook that comes from the pond going out to the ocean. She was a young girl and she saw this crate • and she got scared. She used to hear them talking about pirates and things they used to hear • and she left the cattle there and took off for home. And her uncle went back down with her. And there was nothing to be seen. She'd be seeing the crate just sinking in the sand. So then some years ago I went down • I was only a young fellow • I went down trout fish? ing. And as I was tossing this line I saw this crate. Square box with the two bands on it. So I walked down to where I could get a- cross the brook, you know, to where the wat? er was shallow. And as I was going across the bank I lost sight of the box. And just where I dropped the fishing rod • you know, I kept up to where I dropped the fishing rod • there was no sign of anything there. Van? ished. And then years later I and a Beaton fellow went down to dig • at the place. And we were down a couple of feet and we put the crowbar down. And I was, you know, prying the crow? bar • to loosen the ground up • and the earth shook. And the bar broke in two halves in my hand. So we left the place. So we started a- cross the beach, getting to a field. We were called back, three times. The voice came be? hind us. That was about midnight. (But you didn't go back?) Oh, no. Too scared to go back. We figured it was pirates around. A couple years after we were digging over there • saw this strange man following me one night. Went down to the shore to pick up some parcels that my father left in the b boat. I got the parcels and I started away from the shore. Tall man followed after me. And when I was getting up to the house, first house, and I was cutting through the field • and the light was reflecting out in the field • this man came on one side of the light and he had the old-fashioned hat on • the old sailor hat • a point on the front and a point on the back. He followed me up until he came to one side of the light. I turned like that, made a couple of steps. Looked around again • he was gone. And he had no way • for a living person--because he had Complete Supplies for the Caunper and We Specialize in Fresh Fish LOUISBOURG 733-2060 .'' UNDERWATER MUSEUM MAIN STREET LOUISBOURG OPEN DAILY Recovered is'h. Century Treasure Antique saltwater fishing gear Seafish collection - Aquaria
Cape Breton's Magazine