Page 26 - from D.N. MacLennan's History of Grand River
ISSUE : Issue 17
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1
ren, who stayed and whose descendants are at Grand River yet. The early land grant map (starting on the west side) shows land owned by Donald MacDonald, Alexander MacKen? zie, John MacLennan, Duncan Matheson, Far- quhar MacLennan, Alexander Matheson, Mar? garet MacKay, and Nancy MacKay. Alexander Urquhart was on the rear at Black River and likely Duncan MacKenzie (Duncan River). He was one of the MacKenzies down the east side. Across Black River was Isabella Cam? eron, Rod Matheson, Donald Finlayson, Dun? can Finlayson, Kenneth Matheson, Norman Mac? Rae, Alexander Murchison, Kenneth Finlayson, Duncan Finlayson, John Matheson (and prob? ably his brother Big John), Donald Allen, and a rear lot owned by his brother and lat? er owned by Alex MacLeod. Norman Paterson was on the rear of that on the road to Mac? Nab's. Angus MacKillop had land first owned by one of the MacKenzies down river west side (Donald Widow), and later by Farquhar MacDonald. Further back was James Dawson (Mason) and Donald MacLeod. On the east side, from near the entrance going up river, there was Murdoch MacKenzie, Kenneth Matheson, Alexander Matheson, Don? ald MacKay, Kenneth Matheson, Alex MacKay, Roderick Matheson, Farquhar Matheson, Hec? tor MacQuarrie, and Angus Shaw. Across the road from the bridge to the church. Rev. James Shaw, then Eben MacAulay, Norman Mac? Rae, Margaret Murchison, Alex Murchison, Angus Dan MacKenzie and Gillis, Phillip Mac? Kay, Angus MacAulay, Donald MacAulay, Alex MacLennan, Neil MacLennan, Donald MacKay, Roderick MacKenzie, Mary MacLeod, Alex Mac? Kay, Archie MacCuish, Donald G. MacKay, An? gus MacLeod, Duncan MacKay, John MacCuish, and Donald MacNab. Among the other early settlers was John Smith from West Bay., He came and built a grist mill on what is now called Smith's Road. He later added a sawmills The grist mill was discontinued but the sons ran the sawmill while they lived. The two grist mill stones are now in the foundation at the front of the barn. Lewis Cove Road was settled by Shaws, MacLeods, Pattersons, and MacPhails. But why they called it Lewis Cove Road I don't know. The L'Ardoise High? lands were settled by MacLeods, MacAskills, MacLeans, Fergussons, Mathesons, and Mac- Raes. Bessie MacAskill was known to be an extra strong woman. While going by men work? ing on the road, she was challenged to lift a latge stone. She lifted the stone. Very few men could do it. It was for a long time a landmark. You would say you'd meet so-and- so near Bessie's Stone. It's likely gone now and forgotten by the young generation, as the road has been widened out. Drownings in Grand River The first to be drowned in Grand River was likely John Matheson. He was in a boat com? ing back from Arichat. The boat was swamped at the entrance and he was drowned. The next was likely Frank Matheson, John F.'s grandfather, by falling out of a boat at his own shore. There was a small child A Tradition of Welcome and Comfort Fine Food by the Fire TelegraphHouse & Motel ovierlooking the Bras D*Or Lakes at Baddeck 295-9988 OBBN ALL TEAR 'ROUND CHICKEN CHALET K?ntid' ""'' fried 4 outlets to seive'jiou- (SL, North Sydney Sydney Shopping Centio, Prince SL Slering Roid, Glace B9 794-U34 S64-63ia Qualified Dispensers Always in Attendance OWL DRUGSTORE D? I. MacDonald, Prop. - Your Northside DOROTHY GRAY DISTRIBUTOR Convalescent and Sick Room Stipplies Sales & Rental Drtig Sundries and Cosmetics P.O.Box 125 794-36U North Sydney ALWAYS AT TOUR SERYICB
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