Page 27 - from D.N. MacLennan's History of Grand River
ISSUE : Issue 17
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1
.9i Mil Si Ah?ad! Facts This year Nova Scotia will use over 32 million barrels of foreign oil to help meet our total energy requirements. 75% of this oil will be used for transportation, space heating and manufacturing. The remaining 25% is used for the generation of electricity. Your Help Your help in using electricity and all forms of energy wisely reduces our purchases of foreign oil, keeps more of your money here at home and saves you important dollars on your own energy bills. In the Future In the future, NSPC anticipates switching to local Nova Scotian coal for more of its generating requirements. Tidal power and possible offshore oil and gas discoveries may also help. These and other new energy sources, combining both local and self-renewing power generation, point to increased reliance on electricity, should oil become prohibitive in price or in short supply. In the Meantime In the meantime, our policies and programs encourage the wise use of electricity and other forms of energy. Send for your free information package covering wise use of many forms of energy • check the items of particular interest to you and forward the coupon to us. I want to reduce my consumption of electricity and save money. Please send me the free Nova Scotia Power Corporation WISE USE OF ELECTRICITY PACKAGE which includes: : ; 100 WAYS TO SAVE ENERGY & MONEY IN THE HOME HOW TO SAVE MONEY BY INSULATING YOUR HOME : USING APPLIANCES EFFICIENTLY ? . KEEPING THE HEAT IN ...POSTAL CODE... nova scotia power corporation of Frank MacLennan's (Red Frank), who lived up the west side on land later owned by John Matheson (Young John). He was not re? lated to the other MacLennans. A little hrook by where he lived we called Red Frank's. They were in a small boat when the river was in flood. The child fell over? board and was drowned. Like it was buried at the entrance. Red Frank later moved away One of the MacRaes • a woman • at L'Ardoise Highlands was drowned while crossing Loch Cailean on the ice in spring. John MacLen? nan, son of John, my father's brother,' was drowned while playing hockey, known at that time as hurley, on his way home from school He went after the puck on thin ice by the channel. He was not found till spring, af? ter the ice went out. One of the MacKays a- cross the river had a dream that he was at the flats. He told them and they went there and found him where they dreamed he was. His mother used to go and sit outside in the evenings expecting to see a light or some sign of where he was. The two Cameron girls were drowned about 1895. The ice was just freezing up river and was not safe. One of the Camerons* sheep strayed up to Donald Murchison*s. Their mother told them to go after school and bring it home, and warned them not to take their skates. But Alex their brother took them. They got as far as Finlayson's intervale where there is a large rock in the bank on the east side, where the ice was always unsafe. Alex went in first. The girls went to help him and also went - in. Alex got out. He did not know how. The girls were both drowned. They were found at the ford below Frank MacKay's. Related to this, Frank Matheson, Collin's father, was a young man or boy, going home one night after visiting at his cousins', the Mathesons, who lived between Finlay- aon's and Murchison's. When he got to a little brook we called Morrison's Brook after a family who later moved to Loch Lomond • he saw an old man with a long grey beard and a black, fur cape, walking along the side of the river. He did not know him, nor had he seen anyone like him before. Years later, when the Cameron girls were drowned, he went up to the place. When he got to the spot he saw a- gain the man he had seen in his youth. It was Cameron himself, now quite an old man, with the grey beard and black cape. In March, 1912, Donald John MacKenzie on the east side up the river went to Loch Lomond with D.N. MacKillup to get young pigs. Coming back, he let D.N. off at his own place, and then must have fallen a- sleep in the sleigh. The ice was breaking up and was well down the river. Below Ken? neth MacAulay*s place was a landing from the road to the river; it was used in the winter to get off and on the ice. The horse took the road to the river instead of the main road. He swam down to their own place, came ashore and came to the
Cape Breton's Magazine