Page 29 - from D.N. MacLennan's History of Grand River
ISSUE : Issue 17
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1
after that. A ship was wrecked at Black Point in very early days. Some of the crew got ashore. They said the captain was washed overboard and drowned. But when they were on shore they could hear him still on board and giving orders. Fishermen who later stayed there used to hear ghosts. Sometimes it was like sand blowing against the house although it was calm outside. They thought some persons could witch their cattle so they would not give much milk. Some believed it was unlucky to give away eggs for hatching. And black cats and rabbits were bad luck if they crossed the road ahead of you when you were going on a trip. The first of May 1st Row. 1 to rt> Duncan Finlayson, Hector Patterson, Angus MacAulay, Willy Finlayson, Duncan Finlayson, John Urquhart, Philip MacAulay, Lauchie MacAulay. 2nd Row, 1 to rt: Mary Margaret Holmes, ?, Tena Finlayson, Drina Murchison, Katie MacAulay, ?, ?, ? Annie MacAulay, Lexia MacAulay, Jennie MacKay. 3rd Row. 1 to rt; Georgis MacAulay Martha Finlayson, ?, Jessie Mac? Aulay. 4th Row, 1 to rt: Mary Murchison, Mary MacAulay, Leona Matheson, ?, was a special day. The night before the witches were out celebrating, but they had to be back home before sunrise. I don't know what was supposed to happen if they did not make it. And it was un? lucky to lend on the first of May. And they believed in the Evil Eye. If a per? son praised anything very much you were supposed to say, "Wet your eye." Usually you were to put spit on it. And there was also a belief about the fairy stone. If you were out in the evening and something hit you, it was supposed to be the fairies that threw a small stone at you. If you found it and carried it with you, it was believed you would never be drowned. Grand River School Picture around 1890 ? Murchison (visitors), D.K. Finlayson, John MacAulay, Katie Matheson, Murdoch Dan MacAulay, teacher. In One Building Three Separate Businesses Contribute to the Progress and Shopping Enjoyment of Baddeck and Surrounding Areas Stone's Drug Store Baddeck Home & Auto Stone's Clothing Gentre Your Mini'Departaent Storie inBaddeckvKLS. H'Dm Beaton* ??op?
Cape Breton's Magazine