Page 32 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
ISSUE : Issue 17
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1
fhaodadh nighean a* righ guth a radha nach b'e seo an duine a rinn an gniomh, agus riiinig iad shuas. 0, bha an naidh? eachd mun cuairt ach cha robh ise riar? aichte ris a' ghnothach co-dhiubh. Dh'fheumadh i falbh air la'r-na-mhaireach agus air an fheasgar bha i 'na suidhe air an leac agus tha mi cinnteach gu robh i gu math tursach. Ach bha beagan de dhochas aice gu faodadh an ridire tighinn mar a thainig e air an fheasgar roimhe sin. Agus bha an gaisgeach duineil a bha 'ga geard, bha e 'm falach 'n cul tom neo an aiteiginn am falach co-dhiubh. Thug i suil *s chunnaic i each briagh, buidhe a* tighinn agus bha e 'falbh na bu luaithe anns an iarmailt na dh'fhalbhadh each air talamh. Thainig e sinu's 's bha marcaiche air a dhruim: ridire "alainn agus deise bhriagh, bhuidhe m'a thimcheall agus leum e anuas bharr druim an eich agus chaidh e far an robh i. Dh'fhoighneachd e dhi gu de a b'aobhar dhi bhi ann a' sin. 0, dh'inns' i dha mar a bha cTHisean agus thuirt e gu'n geardadh esan i. "0," ors' ise, "cha'n fhaod thu fuireach an seo. Ma theid t*-fhaicinn cha tig a' bheist." "0," ors' esan, "theid mi sios 'nam shineadh air a' chladach ri d' thaoibh far nach teid m'fhaicinn agus cuiridh mi mo cheann air do ghluin agus ma chaidleas mi," ors' esan, "duisgidh tu mi 'nuair a thig a' bheist. Ach cha'n eil ach aon d'igh a theid mise dhusgadh. Ma th"ois- icheas tu air mo chrathadh 's air eigh- eachd dhomh 's mura duisg e mi,", ors' esan, "gearraidh thu barr beag bharr mo ludaig* agus duisgidh sin mi," Co-dhiubh 'nuair a nochd a* bheist an airde bha da cheann oirre fhathasd. Nochd i 'n airde 's bha i 'tighinn astaigh ' tir 'S'thSisich ise ris a' ridire a dhus? gadh ach cha ghabhadh e dusgadh. Ach smaointich i air an rud a thuirt e rith' agus gheatrr i 'm b'rr beag bh'rr na lud? aig' aig' agus leum e 'na sheasamh. Thar? raing e 'n claidheamh agus amach a ghabh thought about the curved stick, so she put it up his nostril and he leapt to his feet and drew his sword. That was some sword indeed, and he advanced. Well, they had an extraordinary battle and they en? gaged in a terrible struggle until at last he severed one of the heads from the monster and down it fled. He walked up toward the to' of the shore, leapt on the back of his horse, and whether it was the heavens that raised him or the earth that swallowed him, he vanished from her sight. He had put the head he cut from the beast on a withe and that was left with her. The warrior who had been hiding arose then and took off toward the king's house with the monster's head on the withe, but the princess daughter could not say a word to the effect that he was not the man who had performed the deed when they arrived there. Well, the news went around, but she was not at all sat? isfied with that affair. The princess had to go again the next day, and that evening she was sitting on the rock, very sorrowful I'm sure. But she had the faint hope that the knight might come as he had the evening before. The manly warrior who was guarding her was hiding behind a hillock, or hiding some? where anyway. She looked up and saw a fine, yellow horse approaching, travelling more swiftly in the sky than he could on the earth. He descended and there was a rider on his back: a splendid knight en? cased in a fine, yellow suit of armor, and he leapt down from the horse's back and went over to her. He asked her what was her reason for being there. Well, she told him how things were and he said that he would guard her. "0," she said, "you can't stay here. If you are seen the monster won't come." "I'll stretch myself out," he said, "on the shore beside you where I won't be seen and I'll put my head on your knee and if I should fall asleep," he said, "you can wake me when the monster comes. But there is only one means by which I ,Je offer Septic Tank Pumping Service Ken-Mac Plumbing &Heating; Phone 929-2214 and if no answer 929-2326 Englishtoivn Cards for All Occasions The Card Shoppe Sydney Shopping Centre HOI'TDA. CIVIC VOIJVO AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE KEN YAZER MOTORS LIMITED SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA 539-1500 .''"'l' 2 2 4 2 1 8 5 PLEASANT BAY on the CABOT TRAIL
Cape Breton's Magazine