Page 35 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
ISSUE : Issue 17
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1
ri dhol seachad fo chomhar na h-ighinn. Agus cha b'e seo am fear; cha b'e am fear seo agus bha iad air tighinn uile • thainig a h-uile h-aon a bh'anns a* rio? ghachd is chaidh iad uile seachad. Ach cha d*thainig am fear a dh*aithnicheadh is* an comharradh air. Bha an gnothach gu math truagh gu'n deachaidh a h-uile h-aon dhiubh seachad. Dh'fhoighneachd i, "An deach iad uile seachad?" Thuirt iad rith' gu'n deachaidh, ach am buachaille. Chaidh ordugh a thoirt 'sa mhionaid am buachaille a thighinn. Thainig am buachaille. Thug e a leisgeul: thuirt e nach b'urrainn dhasan tighinn idir; nach robh e glan gu leBr 's gu'm biodh fstileadh as a thaobh a bhi timcheall air buachail? leachd na spreidh} gu'm biodh faileadh iilidir bh'rr a chbmhdaich agus nach tig? eadh e idir. 0, thuirt iad gu'n gabhte a leisgeul, gu'n rachadh a leisgeul a ghabh? ail airson sin a dheanamh ach nach rachadh a leisgeul a ghabhail airson tighinn fo chomhar a* righ agus gun a cheann-aodach a thoirt dhe. Agus chaidh iarraidh air an currac a bha m'a cheann a thoirt dhe. Dh'fhoighneachd ise dha c*arson a bha 'n currac m'a cheann. Thuirt e gu robh lot air mullach a chinn agus gur e sin a b'aobhar dha-san a bhi a' cosg a' chur- raic. Thuirt i ris an currac 'thoirt dhe agus 'nuair a thug e dhe an currac chaidh a choimhead air agus bha an lot beag a bha 'seo air mullach a' chinn aige. Sgaoil i a n'apaicin-p'c' agus ann an oisinn na with a big banquet, would not be per? formed right away, and that these must be postponed. Word was circulated throughout the whole kingdom for the men to gather, and every one of them had to go before the princess. It wasn't this one, nor that one and soon they had all come • every man in the kingdom had come and passed before her, but the man had not come whose signs she could recognize. When every one of them had passed by it was a sad state of af? fairs indeed, and she asked, "Have they all passed by?" They told her that they had, except for the cowherd. An order was immediately given for the cowherd to come. The cow? herd arrived and excused himself; he said that he had not been able to come at all, for he was not clean enough and he stank from being about herding the cattle and there was a strong stench from his cloth? ing so that he didn't want to come at all. 0, they said that he would be excused for having done that, but he would not be excused for coming before the king with? out removing his head-gear. So he was asked to take off the cap that he wore on his head. The princess asked why the cap was on his head, and he replied that there was a wound on the top of his head and that was the reason why he wore the cap. She told him to remove the cap and when he did they examined him and the Where Better Service Costs No More MacLeod's FINA Baddeck Ca??(tle Court 2'ts!taurant and Minstrel Lounge FULLY LISCENCED QAM to 12 PM Cape Breton Shopping Plaza All Rooms Overlook Sydney Harbour Vista Motel King's Road, Sydney, N.S. RBSBRVATION NUMBBR: 539'550 Zenith Number: 079'0 Anywhere in Nova Scotia the Finest Imported Clotliing f'pm i.. The Britl k> L Handcrafts Ilatif) Prtasft ft'ilOJl' .latestaurant "Ma/ion Elizabeth" ""' ' ux, on the Cabot Trail.
Cape Breton's Magazine