Page 37 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
ISSUE : Issue 17
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1
taobh na tr'ghad, gu b'e de a chuir ann iad, agus thainig beist mh5r anuas as a' chuain. Thachair gura h-esan a b'fhaisg' air a' chladach agus shluig a' bheist leath' e. Bha a' bhean dg gu math duilich 's gu math br'nach. Cha robh fios aice gu d' dheanadh i agus chaidh i gu seann- duine • fear-comhairleadh fior-ghlic a bh'anns a' che'rnaidh • feuch am faigheadh i amach bhuaithe-san gu d' ghabhadh dean? amh. Dh'inns' i mar a thachair agus thuirt e nach fhaigheadh i cothram ma dh'fhaoidte air 'fhaighinn ach air aon dbigh, nan oibrichea'h sin?? a dh'fhaighinn a h-uile seorsa flur bu bhriagha 's a b'eireach? dail a b'urrainn dhi fhaotainn, agus tha mi cinnteach seudan eile c5mhla ris a' sin, agus an toir' sios a dh'ionnsaidh a* chladaich agus an sgaoileadh 'nan sreathan gu h-'rd air an traigh' Agus 'nuair a thigeadh a' bheist an airde 's i ag iarraidh pairt dhe'n eireachdas a bha 'sin, a chantail rith' gu faodadh i 'm faighinn uile nan sealladh i dhi-se na bha os cionn a* chrios neo os cionn na cruachainnidh aig a companach. Agus ma dh'fhaoidte, thuirt esan, gu rachadh aige fh'in air tighinn as a' sin. Seo an rud a rinn i. Bha i shios air a' chladach a' cur nam fluran 's nan nithean a bha 'seo ann an Brdugh agus th"'inig a' bheist anuas gu iomall na traghad a'us dh'fhoighneachd i an tugadh i dhi pairt dhe na fluran agus dhe'n eireachdas 'bha 'sin. 0, thuirt i gu'n tugadh i dhi uil' iad nan sealladh i dhi na bha os cionn na cruachainn a companach agus 'nuair a rinn closest to the shore, and the monster swallowed him and took him away. The young wife was very grieved and sorrowful. She did not know what to do, so she went to ??in old man • a truly wise counselor in that region • to see if she could learn from him what could be done. She told him what had happened and he said that she might not have a chance to get him back except by one means, if that would worki by col? lecting all kinds of the finest and pret? tiest flowers that she could find, and other ornaments along with them, I'm sure, and taking them down to the shore and spreading them in rows high up on the beach. And when the beast came, asking for a share of that finery, she was to tell it that it could have them all if it would show her what was above the belt or above the hip of its companion. And maybe, he said, he would be able to escape from there. That is what she did. She was down on the shore putting the flowers and the other things in order and the monster came up to the edge of the beach and asked her whether she would give it part of the flowers and the finery that was there. 0, she said she would give it all of them if it would show her what was above the hip of its companion. And when it did that, Iain managed to reach land. All that the monster could do was to take or leave the things. Anyway they were walking down along the beach, both of them so pleased with what If you're satisfied, tell others If not • • • tell us* Cottage Lunchette North Bast Margaree Clothing Gifts STEDMAN'S Cheticamp Souvenirs CAPE BRETON' OWN FURNITUBE SHOWROOMS 36 Modern Units Swimming Pool Air Conditioning Chairs ReoUners Sofas Beds Stereos Televisions Carpets Ranges Refrigerators Washers Sydney OHeuoeBaj Mew Waterford Port Hastings Tour Buses Welcome Schwartz Seal Island A Motel and ''' Dining Room ''''L (Licensed) 'V''A Seafood ''V our specialty ''' 674-2418 '1'''''' Located be ''''m Overlooki: Country Living at the Seal Island Bridge Located between Baddtck and Sydney Overlooking the Bras d'Or Lakes
Cape Breton's Magazine