Page 11 - The Wreck of the "Auguste", 1761
ISSUE : Issue 18
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/12/1
The Nova Scotia Power Corporation is undertaking measures within its own plants and areas of control to ensure greater efficiency and wise use of its energy consumption. COAL will be used in our new Lingan generating station and we are studying the conversion of existing oil burning units in Halifax-Dartmouth. NEW ENERGY SOURCES such as waste products, solar, wind, nuclear, tidal and wood are being investigated by the Power Corporation. IN-PLANT EFFICIENCY programs and engineering recommendations are being implemented to upgrade the efficiency of our generating stations. STEAM • After being used for electrical generation, steam is also being used for industrial and institutional purposes in five locations in the province. The Power Corporation is examining the expansion of this program into the Halifax central business district and waterfront development area. VEHICLES owned by the Power Corporation are being restricted to 55 MPH and are being replaced with smaller energy efficient vehicles for transportation purposes. ALL FORMS OF ENERGY SHOULD BE USED WISELY AND EFFICIENTLY. WE HAVE A FREE BOOKLET THAT CAN HELP YOU. WRITE TO US TODAY AT BOX 910, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. Customer Services Division nova scotia power corporation AUGUSTE. CONTINUED uswithdrew from all three vessels the guards he had posted there. Then with a fair wind we parted company. We kept on our way with the other two ships, though these were soon lost to view. We estimated on the night of'November 1 that we had gone twen? ty-two leagues on the two previous days, October 30th and 31st. The J eanne came up with us in the morning and told us she had spoken to a ship out of London, commanded by Captain Benjamin Nulton. She gave no par? ticulars and we parted company again. On the 2nd and 3rd of November we made way with a north wind. Up till now we could not complain of sailing conditions. Everything seemed to promise a good crossing, the in? clement season notwithstanding. We were en? joying perfect weather when, on the fourth day of the month, a most violent north-east wind blew up. The sails were reefed, the helm made fast. Every instant we seemed to see our graves yawning to receive us. The pitching of the ship was so violent that the ropes holding our trunks were broken, belaying pins were torn out, and several on board were disabled or wounded by tossing and tumbling trunks, boxes and valises. The storm lasted from the fourth of the month to the sixth. The consternation of the passengers can be imagined, as well as the bitter exhaustion of the crew, exposed as they were for forty-eight hours, without' let-up, to all the rigour of a frightful and unending storm. What vows ascended to Heaven! What promises! .... And, I may add, what profanity! And the Supreme Being an? swered this once the prayers of the good people who called on Him, and we were de? livered by His All-Powerful Hand from the fate we thought inevitable. Calm weather followed the gale, and all hands worked together to repair the damage that the ship had sustained. We forgot all about danger, we were all in fine fettle, each trying his best to out do the other. But scarcely had we got straightened away when a new mishap put us in the utmost dan? ger. Twice before the ship had caught fire in the galley, but each time we had put out the blaze quite easily. On the 7th we were working our hardest and the cook, perhaps to give us more energy, was doing his best to cook more food or to cook it more quick- " ly. For the third time fire broke out, and we were on the point of falling from Char- ybdis into Scylla. Had it not been for com? bined efforts of captain, passengers and crew, we would certainly have been consumed by fire in the middle of the ocean. We succeeded with much difficulty in put? ting out the blaze, but the ship had been considerably damaged. Ordinarily the damage would not have mattered too much, but we had terrible things in store for us. The cries of the women on board, and the wail- ings of several men whom the prospect of imminent danger had unnerved pierced the CAPB BRETON *S MAGAZINB/ll
Cape Breton's Magazine