Page 17 - The Wreck of the "Auguste", 1761
ISSUE : Issue 18
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/12/1
bones were left. We came to our senses on the 7th, when ah English sergeant, command? ing a detachment of 12 or 15 men at Bay Verte, heard of our situation and sent me 2 bottle of wine, some lard, and some cooked meal. This food gave us back some strength, and we got through to the post about noon. We were received with much consideration. The sergeant very generously shared with us an abundance of good things that he had for himself. I was well aware that I owed my very life to his kind attentions. About two o'clock I set off for the fort, some five leagues away • far enough for an exhausted man. Happily, the commandant at Fort Cum? berland had sent off a sleigh loaded with provisions, and escorted by a soldier and one of my messengers. Meeting them, I de? cided to spend the night in the woods. My weariness drove me to get some rest and the good things to eat impelled me to make up the sleep I had long gone without. Next day I set out in the sleigh and ar? rived at the fort. I was flattered at the welcome accorded to me. The commandant, his officers, the townspeople sind merchants ex? pressed their regret for the loss I had sus? tained in the shipwreck and their pleasure at my having survived. The commandant, whose name was Benoni Danhs, placed a room at my disposal, and procured for me all a- vailable comforts that one could desire. I lacked for nothing necessary or useful that he was able to get for me. On the l4th of January I left the fort, o- verwhelmed with best wishes and filled with thankfulness. I had supplies for 15 days, sufficient to carry me through to Father Germain's at Haut Paques. We arrived there on the 29th, by way of the portages of Mir- amigouchir, Miniagouche and by the Peshoud- iar. We followed this latter riyer for three days. We got through just in time, for snowshoes and provisions were about done • and our endurance as well. Father Germain had in the way of food only some Indian corn. He gave me two bushels which, with a little lard that was left of what we had received from the commandant of Fort journey. We left Father Germain's on the 2nd of February and followed St. John River as far as the Great Falls. From there we went by way of the portage of Themiscouata, where I had to leave behind the two Acad? ians who had accompanied me on the trip. I made my way quickly to Kamouraska, from which place I sent out a sleigh to bring in the Acadians. The long journey, altogether on snowshoes, with all its discomforts and privations had completely exhausted them. We reached Quebec on the 23rd, but this part of our journey was much less fatiguing. Carriages and food were easily available. I reported at once to His Excellency Gen? eral Murray and gave him my account of the shipwreck. I set out for Montreal and ar? rived on the 2'th, when I also reported to General Gage and sent Major Dezeney a copy of my journal.. It would be difficult to recount all the hardships I went through. The hard exper? ience of the shipwreck itself was almost forgotten in the further difficulties I en? countered in getting back to my homeland. I declare that the more I go over in my mind the circumstances of my shipwreck and of my safe delivery the more I am amazed. I believe that, with all the detours I had to make, I must have covered at least 550 leagues • and this is the hardest of all seasons, and without help. I saw my guides and companions, whether Indians or Acadians, after eight days on the trail • or even less • physically incapable of going further. During the whole time I enjoyed perfect health. I was afraid that my constitution would be undermined, but I came through all my privations in good condition. If I had had guides as vigorous as myself I would not be so much out of pocket, for I spent 130 louis on guides; besides, I should have made the trip back to Quebec more quickly. I have not intended to give a full account of the shipwreck and of the events that followed it. I have merely recounted the main circumstances, and this without embel? lishment. I do not set myself up to be an author, and Truth has no need of adornment. Cumberland, decided us to continue our For copies of St. Luc de la Corne's JOURNAL, our thanks to Robert Grenier, underwa? ter archeologisty Ottawa;and to Mrs. D. Lewis Matheson for access to G.G.Campbell's papers now deposited with the Beaton Institute?? College of Cape Breton. , H*.*, _ CampGill V- Lighthouse Cape Breton Shopping Plaza Sydney River, Nova Scotia The Shop with the Answer to all Your Lighting Needs D. GeLDMAN & SOUS LTD. **TI1E HOME Oh FINE SEAFOOD'* #Gallant Street date Bay • Terminal Bldig'' Sydney Airport
Cape Breton's Magazine