Page 12 - Remembering the "Judique Flyer"
ISSUE : Issue 19
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/6/1
SOUTHBOU'D TRAINS SUPERIOR DIRECTION 158 A 3.25 s 3.20 s 3.12 L 2.50 156 ! 5 . STATIONS ' " 1 n POINT TUPPER Al0.45| ! ,., s 10.40 1.5 1 INVERNESS JUNCTION s 10..M 2.8 1,10.17, ,2 A 10.12, J- 10.02i 10.3 s 9.49- 14.2 F 9.32 s 9.13 F 9.00 s 8.45 s 8.25 s 7.58 s 7.48 s 7.22 I. 7.05 18.4 24.6 29.1 34.0 387 46.0 48 9 .58.1 62.4 PORT HAVVKESBURY PORT HASTINGS w.c.Y. CREIGNISH w.'ore JUDIQUE M.RVVLM, PORT HOOD w. GLENCOE v. MABOU BLACK RIVER w. STRATHLORNE NORTHBOUND TRAINS INFERIOR DIRECTION L FV BV N G D HO B ??3 52 14 72 5 25 4 33 6 44 31 157 { 155 L 3.45 L 11.25 s 3.50 s 3.55 A 4.08 L 4.13 F 4.25 s 4.38 s 4.50 s 5.05 F 5.18 A 5.33 L 5.38 s 5.53 22s 6.16 y's 6.28 15 s 6.48 26ls 7.00 INVERNESS vv.c.T. mi263a 7.10 The foUowine signs on the time table indicate: A B "S" Stop. "W" Water. s 11.30 s 11.36 A 11.55 TRAIN DISPATCHER. "L" Lea've "Y" Wve DISPATCHING OFFICE AT INVERNESS. "A" Arrive. 'T" Turntable. TELEGRAPH CALL "G. 0." Time Table No. '0, January 6th. 1924; the wreckage of the train at Long Point; below that. Canadian Northern 4-6-0 Number 79 at Inverness .just after the wreck at Glendyer; Station Crews at Judique, in the '30s: Left. Dan MacLellan (Danny Donald the Piper), Angus MacEachern, Suncan Maclnnis (foreman). Hughie T. MacDonnel; Right, Dan MacLellan. Dan MacDonald (baggagemaster), Neil MacLean. Archie Morrison (driver). Freddy Smith (brakesman), Paul MacNeil (fireman), Angus MacEachern (sectionman). Conductor?. A vessel loading coal from Inverness, at the pier at Port Hastings.
Cape Breton's Magazine