Page 9 - Planning a Vegetable Garden; Front Cover Photo Description
ISSUE : Issue 3
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1973/3/1
whole. Do not separate the roots. Simply dig out a shovelful of dirt, put in a couple handfuls of well-rotted manure, and set in the plants (which are about 12" high). It is wise to pinch off the bottom few leaves. Cut a paper collar 3" high and with a paperclip cit it loosely around the stem just below the lowest leaves. Now fill in the hole, drawing the earth up to the paper collar, leaving 1 1/2" a- bove the soil and 1 l/2" below. This should fool Mr. Cutworm, Roots will develop along the portion of the stem that is in the ground. Our thanks to Dorothy and George Charlesworth of Florence; Shad Jesson, Skir Dhu; Lynn Zimmerman, Margaree Harbour; Mairie and William D. Deveau, Cheticamp; Tamara and David Rasmussen, Meat Cove; Susan Restino, Bras d'Or; and the editors of Organic Gardening and Farming magazine, for their help in preparing this article. the Hall of Fame, Halifax. And Allie will die in a gas attack in the First World War, at 30 years of age. But when this photograph was taken, Allie was 9 years old and he had already worked three months as a Trapper Boy in Caledonia Colliery, We asked Gordon MacGregor if he could give us an idea of just how young some of those children were when they env tered the mines, and Gordon said: "In those days, if the head of the household died • there was no such thing as widow's allow? ance. No such thing as relief. That widow was depending on what neighbors would give her. It fell on the shoulders of the oldest boy to go to work. And many of them, many of them went to work as young as 9 years old. My cousin Peter had to go to work. Ke was so young that when he'd start early in the morning in the winter, between their house and the mine there was a cemetary. And he was so young and so many ghost sto? ries told in those days he was scared to walk past the graveyard in the dark. And his mother used to have to take him by the hand to get past the graveyard, to go to work. He was that young," Our front cover photograph is from the collection at the Miners Museum, Quarry Point. Standing in the second row, left to right, are Jim Wadden, Peter Jobes and Tim Wadden. The shift has just fi? nished and they have changed to street clothes. The yoimg men in the front row, left to right, are (seated) Tius Tutty. Fred Wadden, Bill MacKenzie. (standing) F. K. Wadden. Off to the left is Allie MacKenzie, and behind him Tom Wadden. Allie MacKenzie will go on to become one of Canada's finest football and baseball players. His picture will come to hang in CooK's Chick Hatchery 59 QUEEN STREET P.O. BOX 731 NOVA SCOTIA TRURO Write now for price list and order form. A. M. lASSIN STOKE Clothing Furniture Appliances Carpeting 295-2887 in Baddeck Frank's Drive in NEW LOCATIO'f CHEBUCTO STREET, BADDECK, N,S, Featuring Delicious Italian Pizza Hamburgers . Hot Dogs Sandwiches . Ice Cream Cape Breton's Magazine Oti SALE HERE A B A D A K Box socials, quilting bees, good old- time square dances,-were the modes of entertainment which delighted the fa? mily of yesterday. Today's modern family demands excel? lence in home entertainment products. The best in Color Television and Ste- riophonic Sound. You'll find this excellence in Elec- trohome--they've been happily enter? taining Canadian families since 1907. Compare color, sound, quality, price and service. The Electrohome theme, "An extra degree of excellence" is now a reality around the world. Ex? cellent • never less. Baddeck Hardware & Electrical Electrohome Sales and Service Phone 295-2507 Cape Breton's Magazine/9
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