Page 39 - Advert: Cape Breton's Magazine
ISSUE : Issue 19
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/6/1
CORRECTIONS; Our thanks to George Bartlett of Baddeck for pointing out errors in the article, "'Permanencia,' North Sydney's Concrete Boat." in Issue .18. On page 27?? it should read Hector MacNeil, not MacLeod, for the man responsible for the concrete. And on page 26, the name should be W.L.Chirgwin. not Chyrgwin. A nimber of readers noticed that pages 40 and 45 should be exchanged, and on page 35 the names under Pat? rick Robinson and Maurice Donovan's photo should be exchanged. Finally. George Thomas should be credited with the graveyard photo on page 32 and the lovely back cover photograph of Johnny Murphy and his grandson. We would appreciate hearing from readers about other corrections or additions to stories in any issue of CAiPE BRETON'S MAGAZINE. Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson JUNE 1978 THIRD COLLECTORS' EDITION of Cape Breton's magazine Cape Breton's MAGAZINE WRECK COVE CAPE BRETON NOVA SCOTIA NOW AVAILABLE IN ONE BOOK The Third Collectors'Edition l' Issues 13 through 18 (280 pages) $5.50 There are still a limited quantity left of the SECOND COLLECTORS' EDITION of Cape Breton's Magazine. The SECOND COLLECTORS' EDITION consists of issues 7 through 12 bound as one book, 2l6 pages, $4.50. You can also buy Single Back Issues of certain numbers of Cape Breton's Magazine. Issues 2 and 5 are out of print, but all other issues from Number 1 through 18 are still avail? able • some in very limited quantities. You can fill out your own collection or send par? ticular issues to friends and relatives. Our charge to you will be only the regular price of the magazines. BACK ISSUES: 1, 3?? '?? o, 7 • 75 cents each 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15?? • 1.00 each 16, 17, 18 • 1.25 each. I Please send me' The Third Collectors' Edition, issues 13 thru 18 ($5.50) and / or NAME SendOThe Second Collectors' Edition, issues 7 thru 12 ($4.50) and / or Send a C76-issue ($6.00, Foreign $7.00) subscription to Cape Breton's Magazine. Begin subscription with issue Number . Enclosed is a'cheque'money order for ADDRESS Gift Please send'"7''' Third Collectors' Edition SendO The Second Collectors' Edition Send??7a 6-issue subscription to Cape Breton' Magazine. beginning with issue Number TO: NAME ADDRESS Enclosed is 'cheque 'money order for GIFT FROM:
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