Page 28 - Ferries in the Strait of Canso
ISSUE : Issue 20
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/8/1
Earle Embree: Now here's my father sitting "on the coupling of the shimter engine at '' the Point Tupper roundhouse door. They tore the roundhouse down. The gypsum pile is sitting pretty much on the roundhouse now. The shunter's the engine that made up the trains before the engine that took them to Sydney was hooked on. And that en? gine was also used to put the cars onto the Scotia and take them off of the Scotia. The shunter would push them on. There were 3 flat cars behind the shunter, so that she didn't get out on the main part of the apron. Normally, the Scotia took l8 cars strung the full length of her in three rows. She'd take l8 boxcars or l8 cars of coal or 9 passenger cars. At one time. And if there were any more than that, which there seldom were, she'd have to make an? other trip. But you take a train today with 125 to 130 cars on • how many trips would the Scotia have to make to get a train across the strait? At Margaree Harbour on the Cabot Trail Sealladh Breagh GIFT SHOP "Marion Elizabeth" SchoonerRestaurant Fully Licensed & Famous for Seafood Newly Opened to Serve You Bill's Pet Centre 333 George Str*eet in Sydney next to Island Crafts Phone 539-2243
Cape Breton's Magazine