Page 48 - Advert: Cape Breton's Magazine
ISSUE : Issue 20
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/8/1
Our Cover Photo is of the crew at the lobster factory at White Point about 1914 or 15. Front Row, left; to right: Ellen Dixon' Maisie MacKinnon Daisley. Cassey Theriault, Lizzie Dixon, "Melanie Theriault, Harriet MacDonald. Christie Dixon. Lena McRae, Dora McDougall, Harriet Daisley. Second Row; Effie Rambeau. Martha Jane MacDonald. Ellen MacKinnon, Austin Dixon, Frank Rambeau. Willie Jim Dixon. Peter Dixon, Willie Dan Dixon. Joe Dixon. Third Row: Sylvester Dixon, Charles Dixon. Fourth Row; Willie Briand, Thomas Wilkie, Ken Wilkie, James Francis Fitzgerald. Cape Breton's Magazine is a gift that lasts. Send Gift Subscriptions and Collectors' Editions of the magazine to your friends and relatives. We'll do the mailing for you. And we'll also pay the postage to any place in the world. Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson August 1978 THIRD COLLECTORS' EDITION oj- Cape Breton's magazine Cape Breton's M AG A ZIN E WRECK COVE . CAPE BRETON • NOVA SCOTIA NOW AVAILABLE IN ONE BOOK The Third Collectors' Edition Issues 13 through 18 (280 pages) $5.50 There are still a limited quantity left of the SECOND COLLECTORS' EDITION of Cape Breton's Magazine. The SECOND COLLECTORS' EDITION consists of issues 7 through 12 bound as one book, 216 pages, $4.50 You can also buy Single Back Issues of certain numbers of Cape Breton's Magazine. Issues 2 and 5 are out of print, but all other issues from Number 1 through 19 are still avail? able • some in very limited quantities. You can fill out your own collection or send par? ticular issues to friends and relatives. Our charge to you will be only the regular price of the magazines.. BACK ISSUES: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 • 75 cents each 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, • 1.00 each 16, 17, 18, 19 • 1.25 each. ' Please send me' The Third Collector'' Edition, issues 13 thni 18 ($5.50) and / or Send OThe Second CQllepliQrs' Eai1;iQp, issues 7 thru 12 ($4.50) and / or Send a C76-issue ($6.00, Foreign $7.00) subscription to Cape Breton's Magazine. Begin subscription with issue Number . Enclosed is a(C7cheque'money order for NAME ADDRESS Gift Please send'7''' Third Collectors' Edition Send'The Second Collectors* Edition Send • a 6-issue subscription to Cape Breton's Magazine. beginning with issue Number TO: NAME ADDRESS Enclosed s rjfu'ieqyx' Qmm%y order for GIFT FROM;
Cape Breton's Magazine