Page 40 - A Milling Frolic on the North Shore
ISSUE : Issue 21
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/12/1
ling, you weren't exactly supposed to go to that milling. And a milling that would be at Breton Cove, they'd go down as far as Malcolm Angus's or MacQueens' • that'd be about the territory for down at that end • the other way to the MacAulays. Oh, one of the MacAulays was a dandy singer. Territory of 7 miles, anyhow, people would be invited. You had to go and ask them, some way or another. I remember the first time I went up that far they were going to have a milling here and it was a homespun • that MacAulay fellow was working up where Donny is at the park today. And they sent me and Tommy's brother up that way and my other brother and another fellow the other way. I had been up there once with my fa? ther in a horse and sleigh • but that was about all. They sent Tommy's brother and me • we had been up as far as the Mac- Queens' place • beyond that we weren't sure. We went and we called in every house. And there were so many in the houses, so many in each family. Say down at Malcolm An? gus's there--they were all singers. I nev? er heard Angus but Josie and Mary and an? other one that died, they were beautiful singers. They had all kinds of songs. Of course Malcolm was singing anyhow. And Kenny MacQueen, he was a great singer • and his sister was a great singer. They had to have the singers anyhow. Today you could only get perhaps one at a house, if that. Over there at the Maclnnises', there were 5 boys and Jessie • and all could sing, though they didn't have too many songs. But as far as learning the songs, it was easy enough for you to learn. The millings lasted from 8 o'clock at night till they got it in to where they wanted it. They'd keep measuring it. By the cromadh • that's from the knuckle to the end of the finger? nail. (What would people not at the board be do? ing?) Talking. Talking about what they were going to do tomorrow and what they did today. And perhaps if you'd go up to that end of the house perhaps there'd be a boy that had a crush on a girl and wanted to talk to her • quite common to see the like of that. Then when people in the har? row were getting tired the others would come down and go in the harrow for awhile. Ach, everybody wasn't a singer. Perhaps only 25 per cent were singers. The rest beating away and singing the chorus. Eve? rybody was singing the chorus. The singer would do the lyrics. Before my time I used to hear them talk about potatoes and herring and they were serving the potatoes and herring for the people in the harrow, right in the har? row • harrows long and the cloth was long • 24 people, 12 on a side. And when they'd be through another bunch would come to the table. Then it came to beans, they served beans. When I started going to millings first, bread and beans • and very good bread. That'd be the big supper. But Tom? my's mother over here was going to have a milling of homespun. And Tommy was fishing but I don't think he got much herring. And she was over here one night and talking a- bout having the milling • and she told my father if she had the herring she'd have potatoes and herring for once more, be? cause there was years, perhaps 10 years, they hadn't had it • my father told her there was four barrels of herring so don't be stuck for herring • milling started. I went over about 8 o'clock. By gosh, they had potatoes and herring in the harrow. Started cooking about half past 9 • had the milling up in the dining room • served every one of them • there was none going hungry. Ideal Ice Cream Co. Ltd. A (Dcmplete Line of Frozen Foods Ice Cream and Fountain Supplies 162 Prince Street Sydney 'Se seillean a'phosas daoine ri Itisan Ft'tnining' Hon' Truro and Tatamagouche?? Nova Scotia HOIVDA. CrVTC "VOIJiVO AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE KEN YAZER MOTORS LIMITED SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA 539-1500 Choice Red Brand Beef piTEaMMEJUl Gratleman' Fully Licensed Restaiirant 7 DAYS A TufEEK at Sydney Shopping Mall a
Cape Breton's Magazine