Inside Back Cover - CBC Radio Advert
ISSUE : Issue 3
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1973/3/1
CBC RADIO - 1040 ON THE DIAL - CBI SYDNEY We Take The Time... .. .To Communicate 6:15-9:00 INFORMATION MORNING Radio Noon 11 mil I' A program just for you... town and country folk alike. A happy mixture of up-to-the minute information, news, consumer hints, weather, mu? sic, opinion and commentary. 12 Noon until 2 P.M. Gets the day going with the current concerns served di? rect to your breakfast table ...the latest news, weather and sports;special features of both local and far-flung interest;here-and-now inter? views and succinct commentaries. 9:13-Noon THIS COUNTRY IN THE MORNING Wonderfully good company, with imusual topics, inter? views, impromptu contests and nuggets of knowledge, handled with warmth and hu? mour by host Peter Gzowski. Dotted here and there with music and surprises. THE WORLD AT 8:00/9:00/6:00 Skilled CBC Radio news teams across the country offer im? mediate, accurate and fully comprehensive news reports. You can rely on it. 4:03-6 PM TRAVEL ON SHOW A truly Cape Breton "Down- Home" kind of program with host Brian Sutcliffe (he's the one with a smile in his voice). This show frequently provides a showcase for lo? cal talent and sometimes Brian talks with interesting people of our island. Every kind of good music prevails. Cross? country Check-Up 6:10-8 SUNDAYS You're ITI Everything from pollution to unemployment, from love to lib...that's Canada's only National open line radio show where you give your views and question a visiting expert. Weekend MAC TALLA AN* EILEAN 9:10-10 A.M. SATURDAY ISLAND ECHOES Rosemary Hutchinson offers a love? ly and well-informed program of Gaelic music and stories. 10:03 to Noon THIS COUNTRY IN THE MORNING The Saturday version • including se? lected "instant replays" of some of the extra-good weekday items and plenty of bright music. CBC Radio _',',' lives! [3335) 1:15 to 2 MARITIME MA5AZINE Just that. A many-faceted magazine program, designed for and by Maritimers, with our concerns in mind.
Cape Breton's Magazine