Page 21 - The Meteorite that Shaped Cape Breton
ISSUE : Issue 22
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/6/1
the easternmost tip of the continent. If the meteor had been only a few miles an hour faster, it would have missed Cape Breton, but it wasn't and it didn't. It struck and smashed. In a split second l60 cubic miles of Cape Breton were blasted to powder. One can only imagine what might have happened, for this is the biggest ex? plosion in history. Krakatoa, which blew up with appalling violence in the 19th century, removed just over a cubic mile of material. Tens of thousands of people were drowned in the tidal waves which lasted for days, and the dust of Krakatoa did not settle for several years after being blasted into the stratosphere. The Cape Breton meteor was 160 times worse. Tidal waves would have raced around the world, inundating the coasts. The immense amount of energy released by the impact in the form of heat would cause a mushroom cloud equivalent to thousands of H-bombs. Storms of appalling violence would have raged over the earth and the sky would be obscured by dust. Weeks after the impact, the sea entering the crater would have boiled, causing fogs mercifully hiding the destruction underneath. Such a catastrophe would have affected the whole planet, and since it must have oc? curred during the period of homo sapiens • modern man • it is probable that some of the legends of floods and other terrible events may have their origin in Cape Bret? on. Certainly the legends of South America which tell how "the earth shuddered and groaned and the sky was darkened for months" seem to bear an echo of this ter? rible event, as do the many references to Lucifer, the fallen star. David Dow has been kind enough to let us publish this piece (originally a portion of a radio talk), but with the understanding that we will present it as an unproven theory? Although based on some observation, Mr. Dow has not 'Q'n able to get corroboration on these ideas from scientists. We could have told you that at the start of this article, but we didn't want you to miss the experience of having the idea straight out and with? out reservations. The idea that the shape of Cape Breton was created out of the largest explosion the world has eyer known is in itself appealing, and then to think that Cape" Breton, in its extravagant formation, may have given birth to portions of several world? wide mythologies, is downright irresistable. The meteorite theory may well prove cor- rect. In any case, there are still considerable questions to be answered regarding the present shape of Cape Breton." David Dow is the author of the novel of Cape Breton, THE CLIFFHANGER HOUSE. City of Sydney invites everyone in the Maritimes to ACTION WEEK July 28th to August 4th HERE ARE JUST SOME OF THE GALA EVENTS PLANNED FOR CITY OF SYDNEY ACTION WEEK Band Concerts Soap Box Derby Track & Field Dart Tournaments Skate Boarding Actionfest Baseball Crafts Dancing Barbecues Road. Racing Harbour Cruising Bill Lynch Shows Parades Miss Sydney Pageant Full Week of Harness Racing including Action Week Pace and much much more! For information, times and suggestions for events call the Action Wfeek Phone: 5390940 Ext. 141 ACTION WEEK is sponsored by the City of Sydney Public Relations Committee in conjunction with the Sydney Parks and Recreation Department Mayor Manning MacDonald and City of Sydney City Council
Cape Breton's Magazine