Page 33 - Joe Neil MacNeil Tells a Fenian Tale
ISSUE : Issue 22
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/6/1
naidh anns an robh aji creutair a bha seo a bha ceann a thirt dheth. Agus nu? air a ranaig iad cala tharraing iad an long suas a seachd fad fhein air talamh glas far nach bitheadh beadagain a' bhaile mhoir a' magadh orra. Agus air an adhart a ghabh iad. Agus ge b-e gu de gach ni a thachair riu' na dh'amais dhaibh na ge b-e de b'fheudar dhaibh a dheanamh, air deir- eadh na cuis' fhuair iad a dh'ionnsaidh an aite anns an robh am Feaman-Feoir agus chaidh an ceann a thoirt dheth. Agus chaidh an sin falbh leis a dh'ionnsaidh na long agus chaidh an long a chur air cuan agus thill iad dhachaidh. Ach cha robh ise idir riaraichte as a' ghnothach a bh'ann. Bha i smaointinn gu'm failligeadh an gnothach oirre buileach. Ach co-dhiubh airson an gnothach a dhean? amh na bu duilghe dh'fheumadh tuilleadh a bhith ri dheanamh, agus thuirt i ri Fionn, "Tha mise 'gad chur-sa fo gheasaibh Agus fo chroisibh. Agus fo naoidh buar mathraichean Silein, siubhlain, seachrain. An t-uan as meataiche''is as mi- Threoraiche na thu fhein A thoirt dhiot do chluas agus do chinn Agus do chaitheamh-beatha Mura toir thu thugamsa ceann a' Bhogain Bhalachaidh." Agus cha robh arach air an sin ach gu feumadh iad togail rithe air n-ais agus falbh ge b'e gu de a' chearn anns a robh a' chulaidh-uamhais a bha 'sin. Sheol iad agus ge b'e liine gixn d'thug e dhaibh an turus a dheanamh ranaig iad an t-aite bha seo. Agus ge b-e b'fheudar a dheanamh ann a' sin • cath neo comhrag neo cur-air-'n- aghaidh • co-dhiubh fhuair iad cur as dha'n bheist a bha sin agus an ceann thoirt dheth, agus sin a thoirt leo' agus til? leadh air n-ais. end of it, they finally got to the place where the Feaman-Feoir lived and his head was taken off. And then they went with it to the ship and the ship was launched and they returned home. But she (Fionn's wife) was by no means satisfied with things as they were. She thought that she would fail utterly in that matter. So anyway, in order to make things more difficult, there had to be other tasks to do. And she said to Fionn, "I am putting you imder spells. And under crosses. And under nine constraints of the walking, Wandering fairy-mothers. The lamb weaker and more misguided than Yourself, To take from you your ear and your head And your livelihood. Unless you bring to me the head of the Began Balachaidh." There was nothing for them to do about that but to set out and go back to what? ever quarter that monster was living in. They set sail and however long it took them to make the journey, they reached that place. And whatever they had to do there • a battle or a fight or some con? flict • at any rate, they were able to do away with that creature there and take off its head and take that back with them and return home. But she (Fionn's wife) was not satisfied with the matter yet, and she said to Fionn, "I am," said she, "putting you under Spells, and under crosses. And under nine constraints of the walking. Wandering fairy-mothers. The lamb which is weaker and more misguided Than yourself. To take from you your head and your ears We Buy and We Sell and We're as Near as your Telephone Sid's Used Furniture Phone 564-6123 436 Charlotte Street, Sydney Excellent Accomodations the MARklANt) Dingwall, Victoria Coimty (902) 383-2246 C & G MadEOD LIMITED Books on Caoe Breton Cape Breton, photographs by Owen Fitzgerald 9.95 The Cabot Trail, photographs by David Smith 19.95 Cliffhanger House, David Dow 5-95 Patterson's History of Victoria County I3.OO The Little Boats, Ray MacKean & Robert Percival 12.95 Highland Community on the Bras d'Or by P.J. MacKenzie Campbell 5.50 Mail Orders Chorlotto StrMt - P. O, Box 658 SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA CAMADA A Specialty
Cape Breton's Magazine